They're laughing at us

the Sams at Alameda have ransacked crypto and now they laugh at us as one of them sets off into the sunset on a boat. truly disgusting

Attached: boat.png (790x872, 451.99K)

Why you give them your money, plebs?

checked & rekt

Hypothetically what would happen if someone were to cut him into pieces and feed them to the sharks?

Lolbertarians starting to discover regulators are merely the second worst thing that can happen to markets. After jews.

sharks be eatin good

i hate that fucking fat jew so much it's unreal

all you had to do was never create an account

Not much.
Did you know that the navy snipers that shot the somali pirates at sea, used 50bmg’s, and made their shots connect at nearly a mile.
Crazy to think you could just stay on a vessel, make a shot at extremely long distance, and then leave.

biz was oblivious of alabama and ftx until last year
now they think everything is their fault LOL

>into the sunset on a boat.
Straight for international waters eh..

>navy snipers that shot the somali pirates at sea, used 50bmg’s, and made their shots connect at nearly a mile.
sounds like bullshit, how would they stabilize themselves on the fucking ocean

He cheats all the way he can then calls for regulations. Abomineous

Attached: InsiderTrading3.jpg (588x6414, 606.21K)

What happened?

I know right, there's one FTX/Alabama/Sam thread up almost every time you visit the catalog kek. Truly a board full of mongoloids. As usual, 4chincuckolds need a boogeyman for everything.


i unironically don't understand why this is such a problem for goyim
is it my ~10% jewish blood that lets me avoid these obvious traps?
are pure whites simply retarded?
no matter how hard the jews screw you, you all still line up to beg for them to shit in your mouth

explain this plz

He lives in Bahamas apparently:)

Newfag detected
I make at least one kike rat hate thread per day since early 2020

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lots of sharks in bahamas. for the true rite he has to be cremated his ashes fed to pigs, the pigs ground up burned then fed to peaceful sharks in the bay. the sharks are hungry and so is the white god. go now to nassau find him and save the world