Sergey to speak in Twitter Space

Me and a few other Twitter fags are gonna try to snipe the speaker roles for the Q&A. We should compile the best questions and discuss what to ask Sergey. Tough and hard questions regarding tokenomics/future vision without going directly into price is the best strategy i believe

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Can you ask who will be able to stake and how much in v0.1. The blog post wasn't clear at all, what does long term holders mean? How much allocated to them? What is the alarm system, how will retail run this will there be a dedicated software?

That is a very good question, I'll ask something in this direction for sure if it isn't asked by someone else. I just fear that he'll probably shrug it off by saying "We'll post more details when we're closer to release, soon" or something

Yes maybe attack it from the technical angle. Like "people elligible to stake/alert will need to be prepared so they don't mess with the whole project, who are they, do they need to learn how tu run a node, learn go or sol, etc...?"

Good strategy. I think this can be applied to all questions. Even if you ask something purely economical like total supply related, which I'm also thinking about a question but not sure exactly how to formulate it, still try to weave it into something relating to the security of the network or a technical aspect. It's not even because Sergey doesn't like to talk about price, he's been briefed a thousand times how to word shit just to not get any SEC attention.

Can you ask
> Why is the token not needed?

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ask him if the rumours about him knowing Vitalik from World of Warcraft are true

how can I invest in offchainlabs like the other vcs? is it possibly to invest directly in chainlinklabs? what is the preferred method of investment in oracles?

>well, uh, fundamentally, you can always just buy the token

Call him a fucking nigger

If anyone does actually get a chance to ask Sergey a question, I would love for someone to ask him if he has any statement on the questions around OFAC compliance that gave arisen in the wake of the Tornado Cash arrest.
It’s something that even if he chooses not to offer a response, that’s still a response.
Whereas if you just ask wen staking or wen 1k he can easily deflect, but it would be very, very interesting to know where Chainlink stands in regards to OFAC. Massively important, actually. If Chainlink said they’d support a censored protocol layer then that’s huge.


Good question. Especially now that they can't use the blockchain agnostic excuse since they stated they won't support pow forks

>Tough and hard questions regarding tokenomics
... for the one project with arguably the best tokenomics in the space.
You're a retard.

To defend Chainlink on that, they're still blockchain agnostic. They don't have infinite energy to provide technical support and development for every chain that exists. Also in this case they had to give a statement, because all the DeFi and active contracts will be forked and that includes contracts that rely on Chainlink price feeds. It's smart for Chainlink to say "you're on your own, were not taking any blame if you fuck up", Chainlink can still be used by every chain but some are so irrelevant that they have to keep up with adapters and integrations themselves.

I agree this is a very interesting and hard question. I'm sure Sergey has put thought into this and I'm looking forward to hearing his answer.

>they stated they won't support pow forks
So write your own adapter for pow forks, dumbass.

Ask them how they will secure funding after their tokens run out. Maybe ask them directly if going public is in the cards. Side question: How big are the operating costs every year? They hired quite a lot of people.


Can you please ask what's the catalyst for moving from v0.1 to v1.0 staking?

Yes that's why it's a good question, if there's an OFAC/uncensured fork they will have to choose. This is very relevant

It's clearly described in the blogs; they're going to add more feeds and features like slashing as time goes on, just like how they expanded mainnet.

oh good one

Lol why are you this agressive over this ? I just stated what they did I don't give a fuck. It's just now they've set a precedent that they will be choosing between forks

So your interpretation is that it will be a gradual transition to v1.0, instead of a sudden transition?

>Lol why are you this agressive over this ?
I'm not a aggressive, you're just a dumbass.

>they will be choosing between forks
For their own feeds, yes. Not for the protocol.
You can build whatever feed you want on whatever chain you want.

I guess it is interesting but now that i think about it, it's not like Chainlink will or can shut itself off from chains. It's created in a way where any chain can use it, again it's just about whether the Chainlink foundation actively helps with development and trouble shooting and updating. Theoretically you could spin up your own rogue chain and use Chainlink feeds yourself if you want, without ever interacting with someone from the team directly or asking for permission

From the actual blog:
>After sufficient validation from in-production usage and community feedback, a v1 release will introduce additional functionality such as the slashing of stake for stronger cryptoeconomic security and the incorporation of user fees as rewards.
>Furthermore, a v2 release will explore introducing loss protection to help protect participating sponsors when a supported oracle network deviates from its SLA.