Tech bubble

>everyone and their moms leetcoding
>recruiters spams linkedin profile en masse for tech
>inflation starts
>tech stocks downs
>hiring freezes
>layoff starts
>MORE people still leetcoding
surely we arent heading into a bubble right?
surely those tech jobs high salary wont go down the shitter right?

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low IQ codeniggers believe tech will never saturate

god, i fucking hate computers. thank god for bitcoin so we can be freed from them, holy shit

tech will always be hiring and fairly stable but majority of tech companies in Silicon Valley are useless and will go bust. avoid startups and you should be alright.

nah sorry, skilled devs will always have a job

certain sectors are oversaturated by poos (wordpress frontend)

depends on the skill of the product implementation, product-market fit, and to a lesser extent funding


If you want to make some motherfucking money.
Learn Rust, Go, Solidity, and Motoko. Learn how to audit/test smart contracts and blockchains.
Barely anybody knows how to do this. Next bullrun you’ll easily make 300k-500k

>next bullrun

Attached: 1660752353897408.jpg (880x928, 495.4K)

Meet Clemnt, Clement is one of the best smart contract hacker

Attached: 40195709476-1674-19761-967-41476197519571(-2116890951)9158146045107.jpg (960x640, 92.92K)

>data analyst
such a bullshit job

Is my motrin fucked up?

These people do not cut the mustard. I've hired Data Analysts, unless you studied stats or math (probability focused) or psychology (lots of applied stats) then you won't be getting anything.

The Roastie path into the profession is psych degree -> unemployment/grad school -> Entry level data analyst in megacorp.

The important guys who implement BI/Data warehousing/Analytics etc tend to be CS/physics/math/stats for a background. Never hired a code camp retard who didn't prove their metal with a physics or maths degree beforehand.

well its a black female with "xls" in her username, what do you expect? top talent? lol

stop gate keeping, I did similar to what she said and have a 100K job building dashboards. I dont have to be einstein to make good money


nigger i built several very involved stats dashboards in 2 weeks, and that was just a bygone project, one of at least 6 such projects this past year. big whoop, call the analytics api, grab whatever they want out of the database, make a key=>value format for chartjs, boom! dashboard

Don't care. I drive package car for 120k/yr and my jobs not going anywhere

Don't care I work at a gas station + trade crypto futures for 120k/yr, as long as there are drug addicts my job is not going anywhere

$200/hour method

Register a new account at bit dot ly/3zCzQf6 enable 2FA, link your payout account (you can receive via BTC), grab the link at the side of "Home Page: Females", under link codes tab
Create an account at proxiware dot com and purchase a $22.50 proxy package and bind your IP to your proxiware account
Create an account at bit dot ly/reCaptchaSolver and fund your account with at least $5 and grape your API key
Download proxy list from
Download the register bot from run the Auto Register Bot.exe file, choose the language (en or ru), fill the API key of the captcha solver, put your affiliate link from Home Page Females, choose the text file of proxiware proxy list, choose how many threads you wanna run (4 or more recommended for faster earnings)
Hit start and watch your earnings increasing
Proof of payment: i.ibb dot co/jMxxRQ5/Screenshot-2021-10-20-at-13-18-04.jpg

Don't care I sell collectibles on ebay for 120k/yr, as long as weebs exist my job isn't going anywhere

>low IQ codeniggers believe tech will never saturate
I already have 6 years experience and make $300k/year remote, so I have a bit of a moat.

I'm also at financial escape velocity already. Good luck to my next generation of this transexual field

Sorry but only like probably 3% of the worlds population can do leetcode (and I'm not talking autistically just memorising the answer).

The amount of people getting filtered by fizzbuzz during interviews is baffling. Recruiters are still desperate for decent developers and companies are still willing to pay.

based. ~250k here also remote, serious plans to retire at 50 with house paid off. got a job interview next week hopefully bring me to the 350k+ range. only real danger is premature burnout cuz i work a LOT

nah fizzbuzz is gay. my rule these days is, 2 interviews and 1 coding test taking 2 hrs max. if the test is outsourced or not totally unique to the company, hard pass. i've had ppl try and schedule multiple 3+ hr IRL interviews after multiple phone interviews, or try to get me to sign up for some site where a pajeet asks me to design a generic api. fuck that, not worth my time

How the fuck do you fags make over $300,000. FAANG or somewhere else? If somewhere else, tell. Especially if you got it without leetcode grind.

Most devs I know make like 130,000

Well I'm talking in a general sense of vastly unskilled developers mass applying. So these bootcamps promising a high salary job is no different to a MLM scam tbqh.

If you cannot stand self studying 8-10hours a day then you won't cut it as a developer to be frank but in saying this - once you have the job it's kind of easy to cruise and stay comfortable if that's your thing.