Every single person in crypto needs to read this, right now. Dipolar Sub Supply Rebasing. Urgent

Dipolar Sub Supply Rebasing.

Read this medium right now, tokens have been changed forever. Read.


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Incredible launch I have to say. I faded this all but, I have to give props where props are due.

What's the smooth brain translation here?

I bought Spiral at $2m marketcap and I burned and bought Polaris too

I cried today because I finally, finally am a whale… thank you Spira you have changed my life

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$POLRS going crazy right now. Dev is too based, postively charged and holding! The next $AMPL here.

no, spoonfeed me or fuck off

Basically it’s a new tokenomics engine like reflections or rebasing.

Positive charged wallets get positive rebases, negative charged wallets get negative rebases and it balances overall supply while siphoning revenue into an entire ecosystem. It’s brilliant and I only found it because of biz. Thank you Biz thank you thank you

Its a shitcoin trying to speedrun a luna collapse.

Once you stop needing to be spoonfed like an infant and start to be able to eat solid food like a toddler at least, you can have some big wins in crypto. Spiral and Polaris are absolute gamechangers and today proved it, you just need to read. That’s all.

Confirmed I am a Spiral staker and Polaris charger this shit is BASED.

70% staked after the unlock (it actually went up) was the nail in the coffin for me, that’s historical. I’m Diamond handing this one for a long time

Nah it's not like Luna, the supply doesn't inflate for one.

I like the tokenomics, would hit 100 million plus MC in a bull market desu, but alas...

It can hit $100m in the bear I think, but don’t hit $1b till bull probably

Can’t believe how smoothly the Polaris launch went. The dipolar sub supply rebasing mechanics work flawlessly. Also had no issues with using the dapp. Oh plus I can’t wait to see what happens with my Spiral bag as more and more Spiral gets bought and burnt to allow early access on future launches on the Inspire launch pad. Really feel like these coins are potential blue chips.

Honestly I couldn’t agree with this more, up until now I’ve always seen “launchpads” and shit as a meme…. But the way he’s orchestrated the ecosystem has blown my mind to pieces lol, these are the coins of 2022 and beyond I think

Only token I've held where the dev announces a thing and then a few days later its there on time and it works. Dude has a plan and hes moving fast

So Polaris dev is Spiral dev? And he also was the dev of Myobu when it peaked? And the dev of Floki for version 3 when it went to $4b? Wow

What's a better hold? Spiral or Polaris?

I've got spiral that I stake for Polaris but it wouldn't hurt to buy both

It is so awesome how spiral dev is an outspoken Nazi white supremacist. It was so funny when he posted NIGGER in the chat lmao

$100 million in a bear is too optimistic i think, but hopefully the us midterms mean they will pull out the stops to make sure the markets stay relatively bull

the fact that the unstake period went down and the price went UP is a banger if you ask me

lmao remember when dev posted this pic in spiral chat and everyone wrote N I G G E R

that was awesome . i love saying NIGGER in spiral chat. NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER

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