Are big tits the best investment a woman can make?

Are big tits the best investment a woman can make?

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An average woman wouldn't get away with things she does

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She's very ugly and her tits look weird and fake

But she's right about the second hand smoke

>Muh health

But it's okay when work and modern globohomo make you stand for hours on end, breathe in fumes from cars, and cramped like cattle on transport?

Yeah, fuck off.


You're about to be inundated with simp faggots calling you gay though, since this website is full of dudes who love plastic whores.

yes. i chose my qt jp wife because she ALSO had huge, firm tits, unlike the many others.

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Imagine being such a beta cuck that you think forcing other people to breathe your smoke makes you more manly

What a genius lol. Literally making money from generating (possibly fake) outrage over smoking in unusual places.

>"A man's face tells a story. A woman's face is a lie."

this, respect the hustle to be honest

I don't smoke. smoking is gay

No one is forcing you to do anything. Move away from them. I have to smell in disgusting sweaty people every day. And fumes from globohomo pollutants

If you're so concerned with her smoking, don't take her on a helicopter ride

And it's her daughter. Who gives a fuck. Oh wait I forgot, your children actually belong to the government

>If you're so concerned with her smoking, don't take her on a helicopter ride

Wtf is this logic

I can't avoid being in a room with smokers, and it's way worse than being outside. You can physically see the smog when smokers could blow their vile fumes all throughout the room. I'm old enough to remember what it was like and it was fucking awful.

Imaging simping for smokers and you're not even a smoker yourself





easily but most women are literally too lazy

>you better just shut up and live with it
Helicopter janny btfo

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How about


It's more pleasurable to format the post instead of typing a wall of text like some retard

those are small, my gf has i cups.

imagine being such a beta cuck that you thinking standing for hours is hard or bad for you. Fatty detected! Fat people are golems

>I can't avoid being in a room with smokers

Leave the room then?

What establishment allows smoking?

Take them to court and Sue for damages idk

Imagine getting worked up because a fake insta thot smoked in a helicopter


Go and get a a job you will realise standing for long periods is bad on the joints

Soon you realize literally everything is bad for your joints.

or just push her out.

kek I was right you actually are fat. fix your weight and posture you fat slave faggot

How about kill yourself you degenerated coomer fags

It used to be legal to smoke indoors

It was fucking terrible and leaving the room was not a option because sometimes you needed to be inside certain buildings for extended periods of time

Fuck breathing in your vile fumes

troon neets who never stood for more than 30 seconds

My ex gf had J cups

>But it's okay when work and modern globohomo make you stand for hours on end
Yeah bro imagine having to stand for hours without so much as a cheese block break, truly third world torture

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Celine Centino

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Fake tits are an abomination.
Simple as.