Been working for the past 7 months in a comfy logistics company

>been working for the past 7 months in a comfy logistics company
>job is easy, sometimes they let me wfh and my coworkers/boss are nice
>google recruiter contacts me about an internship position I applied for 10 fucking months ago
>I somehow passed the first interview?
>they want to do a 2nd interview with the manager now
>feel bad because my coworkers are cool and I have no idea how I would tell them I left the company to work as a fucking intern (even though it's google)

I don't know what to do anons, how likely is it that google is just using me for cheap labour and won't hire me after the internship ends? My job is so comfy right now but... it's google

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Work is just work unless you met you're significant other there. Google will make your career

You should do it quit your job go work for google it will be amazing

>Work is just work unless you met you're significant other there.
But these guys taught me everything I know

People who don’t work physical jobs are such pussies

fuck your current company. Theyd drop you like a moldy sack of potatoes to save a buck- if you died today your job posting would be put up before your obituary.

Do what you want- you don't owe them shit

Its ok user. Your work bros will live on in spirit; Parts of the professional you are today came from them, and will be passed on by you to other people. It's the cycle of life!
Also, is this for a software engineer position or what? I know if you intern as a software eng. at google, you have to basically shit on your boss' desk to not get hired. If it is, take it, because FAGMAN hiring is going to slow down the next couple of years, so the door is closing for a while, and DAMN its comfortable inside here.

They'll drop you off a better candidate comes up

Listen to this man OP. I felt the same as you about my company once but then they just suddenly let me go with no explanation and my coworkers treated me like a stranger when I came inside to turn my laptop in.

Enjoy your $10/hr, Juan

It really depends. What are you doing for this logistics company, what would you be doing for Google? If the title or work is at all similar, you should stay with your company (going from a career job to an internship is not a good look).

Also always compare money, is google going to be offering more? If so definitely just take it. Again, it really depends on what you're doing now and what you would be doing there as well as titles. I'll also say that logistics and supply chains are a very hot and in demand field right now and can provide a lot of institutional power and actual real world impacts in the future. You gotta weigh all these decisions.

Definitely go for the next Google interview. See what they're offering. Again, it all ultimately depends on where you want to take your career.

>T. A loser who chose a highly influential career with a lot of institutional power over working as a no name in quant finance for a lot of cash

Read Nietzsche

take both jobs. I wfh for Google, Apple, and Amazon right now. I've never been this rich in my life.

>Enjoy your $10/hr, Juan

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>Google internship ends
>you're now on the street competing with 6 gorillion pajeets for the same role as before

Hmm. Work at nice job you like with nice people...or intern at the nexus of globohomo woke anti white new world order technocracy. Tough choice eh?

>Definitely go for the next Google interview. See what they're offering. Again, it all ultimately depends on where you want to take your career.
Thank you user, your post was very helpful. I'll do that

>Also, is this for a software engineer position or what?
No, it's supply chain related

It's not SWE

I wouldn't take it unless Google wants to give you a full-time job, don't quit your job to be a fucking intern for 10 weeks

Google is woke hell. Stick with the job you like with the coworkers that aren't screaming purple haired leftards.

>the next couple of years, so the door is closing for a while,
Pretty sure Google is still in a hiring freeze, beware OP