
Winter is Coming edition

Commodities include
>Precious metals
Gold, Silver, Platinum group metals
Oil, Natural Gas, Uranium, Coal
>Base Metals
Copper, Iron ore, Nickel, Lithium, Cobalt, Zinc, Lead
Water, Agricultural, Salt

More information for each commodity
Calculators for DD
Steer Clear List
News Sources

>Youtube channels to follow
Palisade Gold Radio, Mining Stocks Education, Sprott Money, Goldsilver pros (Rob Kientz), Finding Value Finance, Gregory Mannarino, Peter Schiff, Macro Voices, Crux Investor
>Canadian junior press releases

>What is Austrian economics?
>Austrian economics books
What has government done to our money (Rothbard), The mystery of banking (Rothbard), and Profit & Loss (Mises)


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Really looking like oil will not drop anymore. Biden could release reserves to drop prices 2 dollars and no one would buy it. The sham is over.

I should have bought Encore yesterday, should I jump in on it anyway even though it's up 5%?

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SPR has been drained to multi-year lows. I'm not very well on track of inventories, supply & demand but if demand doesn't decrease and supply doesn't increase then SPR will be empty within three years at this rate

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>scribbles note to self to buy more OILK

We're headed into the greatest depression of our lifetimes, there will be no demand.

We didnt make it bros..


how are we holding up, encore bros?

Looking at all the iShares etfs, it looks like gold&silver miners are among the weakest sectors YTD. Oil and energy are among the top.

I boughted today, mostly went in on URA though

first for release the gold, group of bitch rana

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>Oil and energy are among the top.
Gee, I wonder why.

The hell happened at 1:15 today? Did peace break out in Central Europe or something? Or is this just a bunch of institutional investors taking profits all at once?

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slurpy time.

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Snowline bros...

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VET should be there instead of EQNR

>have all these wonderful ideas about how to play different spreads and industries
>dont want to move money until after the September dipperino
>just end up buying 3 shares of HEU.TO with whatever scraps I still have left
Feels weak, man

Don't look at me, /smg/ originally made that image.

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you salty fren?

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