Actual good and long term business plan for Any Forums niggers:

Actual good and long term business plan for Any Forums niggers:
> get good land about 5-10 acres
> build house, terraform the land via permaculture, hire experts to help if needed
> achieve amazing perfect huge garden
> build small village houses with perfect wifi in a suitable part of the garden
> market amazing permaculture nature garden rent place to vegan hipster onions niggers with rich parents
> ridiculous rent prices which can be reduced by a contact mandating certain hours of farm work instead of rent
> populate property with hipster onions nigger and art ho slaves to pay premium rent prices way above market average AND provide needed manual labour for the garden

Attached: permaculture-learning-from-nature.jpg (1200x800, 195.23K)

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>spend your whole life working bro!
fuck off

What do when nobody shows up?

they will because the supply of young rich onions niggers that want to get away from actual niggers will increase for the foreseeable future
valid point bro

bump because this has the potenital to achieve practical feudalism

So I need about $4,000,000? Great.

How about an actual "business plan" that can make me $1000 a month with zero capital and zero loans before the year is out?

I rather starve to death than be a wagie cagie, and McDonald's doesn't pay $1000 a month. So fuck of with "just get a job" bullshit.

land is still cheap, you would need far less than that depending on location

You're just operating a Medieval village at this point so make sure you claim prima nocta from the arthoe gfs the soi techboy providers

Attached: 1661213958960.jpg (600x800, 61.54K)

I dont want stinky hippies anywhere on my property

Also, if you don't feel like researching hundreds of hours of gardening, farming and permaculture techniques, you could always hire some expert guru provided you check their credentials. I'm sure that a lot of these types would be willing to help you for free or a very small amount since they are nature hippies and you're mpushing their agenda essentially.

it's all in the rent clause

How do you come up with a business model that takes a bunch of the spiciest parts of starting a cult on a compound, feudal serfdom, and share cropping and still manage to make it so incoherently bad that it would never work as written? Because I've never seen someone actually manage to do it on this level OP.

Fucking bravo my dude. You managed to create something that embodies like four or five different layers of extracted and concentrated evil yet your business plan is so bad that it's totally unworkable. That's a fucking feat. Like, a historical feat for this board.

I disagree that it's evil and don't see why it wouldn't work. Please elaborate

A service business like cleaning
Invest the 1k in a website and some supplies

Well, yes, if you're an incompetent nutsack who thinks that farmland is "terraformed by permaculture" then you wouldn't see why it doesn't work, and if you're an edgelord proposing a scheme like this on a Chinese Batman play by post LARP usenet then you wouldn't acknowledge that it's evil either.

It's pretty well documented that you can grow a pretty sick ass garden by using permaculture, provided you're not a retard and pick the right land in the right climate etc. It's by no means impossible to do.

By providing rich or middle class depressed faggots with an alternative option to living in a degenerate central big city apartment, an option that is close to nature and would benefit them and their emotional well being, you're doing them a good and ethically sound service. Furthermore, you're offering them the option of meaningfull and fulfilling work in exchange for a lower rent. By charging them rent in exchange for the living conditions you provide, you're by all means giving them the oportunity to exchange meaningless value (fiat currency) for meaningful value (a good lifestile in a beautiful place).

You read like a bitter faggot pretending that you're smarter than you actually are.

once again XRP schizos are ahead of the curve by like 6 months, they've been talking about building a parallel decentralized society of self-sustaining communities for a while now. the part you're forgetting is decentralized finance coops/credit unions

>using permaculture
You've never used a tiller in your entire fucking life, you have no idea what you're talking about and no amount of throwing around buzzwords that you've overheard like "terraform" and "permaculture" will fiat you into having a fucking clue.
>By providing rich or middle class depressed faggots with an alternative option to living in a degenerate central big city apartment
Great cult recruitment line if you're running one, but here's where you fuck up.
>you're offering them the option of meaningfull and fulfilling work in exchange for a lower rent
Wrong incentive structure for the targets that you're trying to exploit. They don't need a break on rent if they're upper middle class kids with rich mommies and daddies who are used to big city prices.

You're trying for this grand scheme that incorporates all of these things that you know nothing about.

btw the WEF/rockefellers etc have been planning on us autist schizos declining to participate in their technocratic totalitarian ESG dystopia and making our own society for years now, it's part of the plan

here is the essay they got the "you will own nothing and be happy" meme from
paragraph near the end:
>My biggest concern is all the people who do not live in our city. Those we lost on the way. Those who decided that it became too much, all this technology. Those who felt obsolete and useless when robots and AI took over big parts of our jobs. Those who got upset with the political system and turned against it. They live different kind of lives outside of the city. Some have formed little self-supplying communities. Others just stayed in the empty and abandoned houses in small 19th century villages.
plot twist, we're going to be the control group for the gene editing program they started with the depopulation/mind control vaxx

>you never done it
>cult recruitment
projecting some preconcieved notions, no part of my idea involves anything cult like, although it's certainly possible to implement for religious nutjobs that use this idea
>wrong incentive structure
might be correct there, but the target group and incentive structure are subject to tweaking without changing the core idea in any meaningful way

Look dude. If I were you, here's what I'd do.
>quit my "fast paced corporate lifestyle"
>start a small farm
>run it for a year
>write a book about it
>go on the snake oil selling tour promoting the spiritual joy of unplugging and also hawking my book and merchandise
>sell tickets to hear my talks
>sell pricy tickets to a "retreat" which boils down to people paying to come and do free labor on my farm for me, but with a bunch of pseudo-spiritual mumbo jumbo and fun activities mixed in
>get glowing reviews from people who are mostly just happy that they aren't stuck in traffic or glued to their devices for a few weeks

Now me, I'd fucking get away with that. It's a relatively simple plan that just requires you to have the charisma to sell "the simple life" to a bunch of alienated urbanites, which is easy as fuck. Your massive clusterfuck that's part self help cult, part serfdom, and part share cropping won't even get off the ground because you have no idea how a farm works and you want to dance around with the laws around contracts, rent, labor laws, and all of that shit and your hapless victims have rich parents who can all afford lawyers and get the authorities involved when you inevitably do something stupid.

You're again failing to realize that the real draw of what i'm proposing is a long term living condiotion alternative and not some fun disneyland attraction for a few days.

Your greentext has been done before and it is based on selling an illusion and not a form of the real thing, that's why it's not sustainable and could at best hope to be a niche form of temporary entertainment.

The rich parent thing, again, is not relevant at the idea stage because the target group and the incentive structure are subject to tweaking.

Man. Have fun sinking a minimum of six figures into this only to end up being the farmer equivalent of the girlsdoporn guy within two years.

I want to do this but build a real community instead