This cant be real right?

Any asset that loses 90% of its daily sell pressure is going to fucking skyrocket
And staked eth wont be withdrawable for 6 months or so

What am I missing here?

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Get ready


You are missing the government capture of the network via its centralized staking pools rendering the entire network fucking worthless

An OFAC chain would likely cause a user activated soft fork, splitting into FedEth and FreeEth.
Eric Wall is a faggot on a lot of things but he's pretty good here:

But you literally cant UASF they havent built the mechanism do it. Also imagine thinking any normal user could even run a full node lmao and not to mention all of defi breaks unless you are on the chain deemed the right one by the already captured entity USDC. Its a complete dumpster fire and its happening right now. Beautiful.

So im literally supposed to believe the space is so beat down that people just dont notice the biggest source of nondiluting fees is getting tied to eth at the same time its sell pressure collapses?
There has to be more here

Yes seeAnd

No there is not. Triple halvening. Hence all the fud.

>What am I missing here?
yeah simple really: selling pressure comes from people unloading their assets, has nothing to do with this shit you're blabbering about.
>have factory that creates 100 widgets every day, destroys 10 old widgets every day
>announce you will stop creating 90 of the 100 every day, bringing the create/destroy rates into balance
>this does not change that there are already 1000 or 10 million or 100 billion widgets already in existence, in people's hands
>the actual number does not matter, if they no longer want widgets, they will all create sell pressure together with what they already have
>so what are the widgets actually good for?

gov taking over the network is not fud

You example excludes the long period where the widget manufacturer made and sold 100 widgets per day and the price of widgets was increasing, indicating excess demand even at that production level

It will do fucking nothing. I know it sounds like a guaranteed way to win, but trust me, the Jews will frontrun you hard

What you're missing is that eth is a dead chain and you need organic activity on the network for any of this flywheel shit to work. Tittypeepeecummycoin has staking lockups and apy too, nobody is piling into it because it's a dead chain that doesn't do shit. Similarly, defi on eth has gotten utterly jounced by regulatory bodies, nfts are proving after all to just be shitcoins with smiley faces tacked on, and it doesn't even work as an uncensorable settlement layer / medium of value transfer. It's worse than hard cash, it's worse than tradfi, it's worse than a casino in vegas. It does nothing well and without money piling indiscriminately into it simply because it's the most exotic thing people can find to do with their free fed-printed dollars, it becomes a ghost chain that nobody gives a fuck about. Under those conditions, no amount of virtuous ponzinomics or triple-quadruple-dodecuple halvenings are going to move the needle.

already priced in

bullish for monero

>And staked eth wont be withdrawable for 6 months or so
there is barely any ETH staked.
staking ratio is like 10% or so, thats nothing.

do you mean eth has no fundamental value

ETH will become useless because no one will want to use the network.

user, this plan was known for years
you've had opportunities to be aware of it for a long long time, but you are only aware now
now consider the average brainlet out there
the guy who "invests" into hex or bnb shitcoins
the hedge fund types who don't even know how to manage a multisig
the 9 figures traders who still are on cexes
the other 9 figures traders who get meved on dexes because they don't understand concepts of liquidity or slippage
you can also just take a look itt and see some of the answers. it's tempting to think these are all bagholders, and certainly there's a lot of bitcoin bias that influences low iqers in general. but many of them genuinely believe what they're saying
there is tremendous information asymmetry when it comes to eth. always has been, always will be. genpop is still ~10-15 years away from grasping the value of this particular blockchain

Financial markets are full of dumb money, and crypto markets are the dumbest of dumb money.

All value on ETH will be absorbed by L2's like Polygon. ETH will receive no value just as XLM doesn't get anything out of having USDC on it's Blockchain.

you think its a good thing that eth blacks users at will at the protocol level?

Yes white women should be blacked at a protocol level especially