Landlord hate thread

landlord hate thread

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I love when rentoids have to give me their wives for a night to pay for the night. We landlords are truly modern day kings


>landlords on the left
kek did a landlord made that picture?

Maybe if you all stopped buying avocado toast and having 15 streaming subscriptions and donating monthly to Criminal Lives Matter you could save up for a house. And NO, you dont need that Limited Edition $199 Capt. LBGTQIA SheHulkAmerica Funko Pop.

landlords are based. Im saving all my money to become one some day. Downside is everyone i know reviles me for being so frugal and calls me a materialist for saving so much money, while they spend everything on clothes and car payments

Intergalactic levels of cope

I only rent to single moms so rape away. Rent is still due.

>not owning the place you live in
what are you? homeless?

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Swap landlords and baristas and it is accurate

why don't you pay your rent instead of complaining about landchads on Any Forums?

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my parents pay my rent

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I now own property, but I wish my ex land kike was retarded enough to print something like this out.
>Bring letter into small claims court
>Print out the ADL's "nazi frog" description
>crocodile tears before judge about how the nazi frog is harassing me and giving me PTSD
>Enjoy watching criminal charges stacked on the land kike for psychological damages

I don't hate them. They make mistakes like all humans do, but they are alright. Most of the times they fix complaints quickly, and they are nice to me and try to make it better when I make it clear that I am disappointed with their services.

You can buy a house with almost nothing down. The market was retarded the last few years but it's dumping now and you had all that time before. What's your fucking excuse? You weren't wasting all your money on retarded shit like a nigger right? At least your funko pops and glowing RGB gaming computer will tie that studio apartment together nicely.

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Nordic Chad vs the jew

Is this just a cope thread for poor people who can't manage their money well enough to purchase a house?

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Any Forums is filled with low iq, poor losers

>The market was retarded the last few years but it's dumping now
Sounds like a good buying opportunity coming up soon. We should crash well below 2020 levels, making piling cash the wisest choice at this point in time. This will be a comfy ass bear market

reported for antisemitic hate speech