US defaulting on its debt in near future

do you think it's possible?
What will be the consequences of that?

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They'll just print more money to pay it back.
The problem will be when inflation means countries won't provide any value for dollar debt because they know the dollar will be devalued by the time they're paid back.

nothing ever happens though
so my bet is on nothing happening

default in the sense that it will print to meet its debt liabilities, devaluing its own currency

If the debt is in USD then they can just print shit loads of USD to pay it before moving to a CBDC.

Patrushev is the guy that bombed a bunch of apartment buildings in Moscow to start the war in Chechnya. He is always and constantly lying and he does anything and everything in the name of power. He would kill a million russians if he could make a buck out of it or get some more power. Everything he says in public is a lie meant to disinform, an information operation as they call it.

If you see anyone posting something he says that person is without any doubt a state paid russian shill 100% of the time.

Yeah but will they do that?


They essentially already are.

>He would kill a million russians if he could make a buck out of it or get some more power.
Well, they started this war in Ukraine, so he not only would, he does it as we speak.

The US has absolutely no capacity but more importantly the will to pay back the national debt in any meaningful way.
If you are on a desk anytime from 2016 to now, you know that the treasury well went dry outside USA just before Covid.
They are on their own now for financing.

>The main reason for the surge in food and energy prices is the printing press operating in the US and Europe. During the pandemic, the largest emission of money in 40 years took place. The United Stats printed $5.9 trillion.
This part is true though. The markets started pricing in inflation the moment they turned on the printers. Stocks flew up 200% in a year. Crypto rallied. Even used cars went up in value. Then in 2021 the asset inflation started spilling over into inflation in the real economy.

Russia invading Ukraine just made it a lot worse by tightening the oil and gas supply, but the problem was already there. Russia most likely knew exactly what they were doing, and that invading Ukraine would throw gasoline on the fire that the US and EU had already lit

so the worst is yet to come as I thought.

>Do you think it's possible?

The USA have already defaulted on its debt about 3 times in the last 200 years. Wtf do you mean, is it possible?

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The Russians have been waiting 20+ years for this moment.
The US is weak fiscally and that weakness needs to be exploited first outside of the continental nation, in the countries that support it and denominate debt in USD.
Anybody saying : We can print infinite USD to either service debt, or maintain the longevity of this hegemony, is precisely the problem.
It's still an uphill battle for the Russians to get something going sooner than later, but eventually the table is going to turn.

Lmao Russia is a weak worm of a country. Systematic alcoholism and a deranged cancer riddled leader is spiraling them into an irrecoverable shitshow. Theres already reports of widespread famine again, just like the USSR. Not again comrades!

>1 ruble deposited to your account
you simply lack fundamental understanding of world economy and finances, please post less, Any Forumstard

>There are already reports of widespread famine
What the fuck are you talking about?
Is this another

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unironic vatnik cope
we are devaluing our debt though

The US defaulted when you were no longer allowed to redeem your gold. Maybe the world won't be retarded this time and ditch the dollar for good instead.

>widespread famin
There is nothing stupid fucks like you wont believe

Fucking french pussies should have bombed new york