For once I feel like I could actually make it

Has anyone else bought into this Ghost token on the iCP network?

I threw 2 icp (15$ usd) a few weeks ago and now my 3 million Ghost is worth over 600$. How high can this thing go? I'm getting shiba inu vibes

Attached: 00Ghost.jpg (400x400, 9.17K)


Not enough for you to make it kek. Even if it goes 100x from here which is highly unlikely (a meme coin without any memes kek), you will have only about a year's salary from an entry-level web dev job. Hell even if it goes 1000x you will have enough to last maybe a decade of modest living.

It has some great energy around it right now. MC over $2 million and growing every day. De-Fi on the IC should be fun since there's no gas

this shit is destined to moon

We'll see, if ICP blockchain takes off as a whole this could be a 1000x ...easily

I want to KMS for missing this piece of shit.

I stayed away from it because it screams Pajeet/Nigerian/Eastern European/Vietnamese

just buy some dude you are very early. get on icpswap, wrap some icp, and swap for ghost. it is fucking easy and it isn't ETH so you're not paying $50+ per transaction kek

where did you plebs hear about this shit so early?

I can't find the memes bros

Attached: ghosss.jpg (668x1024, 144.08K)

based early adooptor

Attached: gottom.jpg (800x1012, 144.84K)

Where can you see a chart and marketcap info on pee pee coins?

My point was that even if it does a 1000x you will not have "made it". You're going to need to hope for a 4000x realistically. Lemme know when it hits an $8bn mcap.

the competent devs will make it happen sir, partnership with satoshi next month

Attached: 163851252432519.jpg (845x590, 155.96K)

Is this token using the old token standard or the new one? I read that IC devs were releasing a new token standard. Where did you mint the token? Where is it traded?

God this shit is inorganic

dumb ape it came out less than a week ago and the starting marketcap was $50k

this shilling is bearish as fuck

Sell you idiot.

kek, I had a ghost shit today (literally didn’t have to wipe my asshole after what felt like the wettest shit of my life) so I’m BULLISH asf because of that.

When that happens you’re supposed to take profits not sit on it or buy more. I’ve had plenty of experiences of coins 100x-1000x and messed up by not taking profits then ending up bagholding. I don’t know a lot about that specific coin so it may still have some upside potential I just wish people told me more about taking profits in similar situations.