Smartcon speakers list so far

Speakers from JPM, Goldman, Mastercard, Bank of America, Morgan Stanley, Meta, Google, a16z and more.
No problems with selling tickets.

yeah ok Eric Schmidt and SWIFT guy
besides that: low level guy from tmobile and some literally who VCs
and they wanted $1477 for that shit?

I am sorry anons but it's going to be another nothing burger and I fucking hate to say it.

Will they announce anyone from the big banks yet? Or Google?

Attached: chainlink-link.jpg (1090x590, 51.52K)

If they're not paying attention to it I guess we're still really early then. Bullish.

Beautiful aesthetic double spacing

Attached: 32259A66-AFAB-4402-A3AD-7CA1C2098672.jpg (1284x446, 335.19K)

I can hear the flushing of toilets from here

Not paying attention to what user?

Honestly just go and compare speaker list and tell me that Smartcon is better.

who cares, tim beiko is speaking

Chainlink are going to mainnet as well. what is the point of this thread?

why is this 11 off from a price of 1488? What are they trying to say?

Why Chainlink conference doesn't feature any of the top companies that something called MOONCLAVE is able to bring on stage?

it's to try and demoralize you if you have been here a while
for those who are new it's to put people off, poison the name as much as possible
the mainnet event is a complete joke
moonclave is a massive paid industry event
smartcon has people actually using chainlink, it's on a completely different level... dtcc, swift, eth core dev, hanover re

at smartcon you won't drown in extractive vc cash
just look who's there, the devil's soup

رے بھائی، آپ کیسے ہیں؟

Do you think that DTCC or Swift guy will say ANYTHING about actively using link at all?

>the mainnet event is a complete joke
Bank Of America, SP Global, Stripe, GOogle calling them a joke?

Oh Christine Moy as well...wasn't she supposed to work at CL?

>Why Chainlink conference doesn't feature any of the top companies
chainlink is the top company /protocol and they are going to both events. yeah chainlink are at mainnet and their event so not sure what the point of this thread is

look what logos Sergey plasstered all over his graphics in 2018 (4 fucking years ago)
compare speaker list
nobody is there there
that's the point of this thread

i highly doubt it and that's not important
you've held link for years, you know as well as i do that it won't shift the price, that's not what we're looking for
and yeah of course it's a joke, look at the names there alongside them... justin fucking sun... this is paid "industry" crap... it's pathetic... while smartcon has users and potential users

the speakers list at smarcon is better. by a lot. you are a retard

what is marketing? we still have years to wait...
what you should be interested in in stuff like fast lanes at this point, the infrastructure is still being built out
get off this website and actually do something productive with your time
there's a chainlink hackathon soon, start learning and stop being pathetic and wasting your life

yeah you're right about wasting my life, gotta say.

The amount of money I lost on stocks and crypto in last year makes me depressed.

I think smartcon 3 is going to mark the bottom of sentiment. It will be the final hard disappointment leading to a community capitulation before things start turning around second half of 2023.

>there's a chainlink hackathon soon
Another one?

sergey said brand name promises will die like a pack of wild niggers under the musket fire of colonial rifles so he hit the delete key