This movie is about a doctor who thinks he's a big shot realizing that in the eyes of the elite he's in the same class...

This movie is about a doctor who thinks he's a big shot realizing that in the eyes of the elite he's in the same class as a waiter or a homeless person

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elites are cringe

Kind of true. But you missed all the implied pedo stuff like the costume store owner with the rainbow sign in front of his store tries selling his under age daughter to him.

Kubrick was saying the quiet part out loud.

James wood is literally calling out the Kabbalists on telegram . Dan scavino blaming Mossad for 911. The jews are going ape shit in their thinktank offices. Tick tock kikes


its just like all the browns that try to look down on other browns because of their religion, or "heritage"
at the end of the day, to any human, they're just another non-white

That’s a good way of putting it

And he even died a couple of months before the film released kek

post nose brownie.

doctor=wagie=working class

the jungle is calling, brown-eye.

It’s about how evil the elite are and he finds out

The "elites" are degenerate hylic scum who larp as enlightened while herding the masses toward
outright spiritual castration.

>doctor who
I'm not sure what doctor he is. Is he from the black and white times?

What movie is this

eyes wide shut (1999)

thanks faggot

im latex youre rubber.
fuck your dad

Doctor has always just been king wagie. You're still salaried, still under constant review. I'd argue it's almost the worst wagie tier given you have huge amounts of work and stress with no freedom. Outside of the US too they are paid nothing.

i love this movie

>get rich and join satanic orgy sex club

kek. tell me you actually think this.

This is how it actually is though. The people that really run the show are invisible to the eyes of the ruled. Who the people see are the people they are meant to see: figure heads. Politicians are actors and actors hold a particular level of disdain from the true rulers. Actors since antiquity have been equated with prostitutes.
>another red pill for You is that elites don't use the same currency as the ruled
These people don't carry cash and they don't use fiat currency. They don't have bills and their inner circle runs on a sort of barter system. They have their own culture, their own economy, their own fashion, art, music, technology, etc. They live nothing like you. If you somehow entered their inner world it would feel like you had traveled to an unknown foreign country. The truth is, they don't hate You. They don't even think about You.
>real money wants to go unnoticed, and real power seeks to be invisible
None of us even know who these people are. All we have is fleeting suspicions.

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In northern Europe doctors are basically government managed slaves. Ministries decide who gets to work, which treatments are allowed and what medicines they're permitted to prescribe. No wonder their systems are the worst in the Western power sphere. They aren't even allowed to treat political dissidents in many cases.

does anyone except for jeets use that insult?

Checked and high-iq pilled.