No-code toolset enables creators to permissionless create customized assets and marketplaces

What's your opinion on A.s.s.e.t.M.a.n.t.l.e? They provide a platform that enables a diverse set of NFTs use cases that extend beyond arts and collectibles and can potentially change the representation of rights and ownership of real-world assets like real estate and other commodities

>>This is a link on twi : AssetMantle

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>Invents gay sex

I am looking for promising crypto projects, and to be honest, I haven’t found anything better than M.N.T.L. yet

yep!! man M.N.T.L. will grow huge as the time passes cause of what they are doing!

I want to get a massive bag already

A lot of green candles soon


Waiting for profit there

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u a too late

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This is the best time opportunity for those who are looking for real wealth

I keep seeing this sht everywhere. Is it scm or what?

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one of my best bags of 2021, never plan selling

lol get this fucking sht out of here

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how to send my M.N.T.L. from M.a.n.t.l.e. wallet to Keplr ??

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Go to dapps and authenticate your keplr

Holy shit the indian bots are back, bull run confirmed

there is no M.N.T.L. Network on my Keplr

Open the Keplr extension from the top right corner of your browser.
Open the Network dropdown menu by clicking on the current network.
If the UMNTL is already selected you must select another network.
Delete the UMNTL from the network List on Keplr.

there is no UMNTL also sir..

Clear cache, disconnect your wallet and log in again

It works, thx man

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You are welcome

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Any information will really help take us to the next level