Going to be homeless soon

any tips or advice? first time in this kind of situation

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what resources do you have? savings? job? car? phone access? etc.

looks comfy. have fun user

Get a job and housing immediately.

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$20k savings
full time job

Leverage your mobility to your success. Realize you are able to work anywhere in the country. Certain industries work in booms and busts and hire utter retards who fall across their labor demand needs. Try and find something with per diem/temp housing. Coast off not having 25-50% of your income siphoned by parasite boomer landlords.

It's exhausting, but might as well make money at the cost of your mental health.

>t. a former homeless user paid six figures that erratically changed locations/contractors and lived out of a suitcase

move to a country with human rights (basically every country on earth but the USA)

Go to church.

>$20k in savings
Go rent an apartment, retard.

Can't. Every place I apply to rejects me because have a disputed collection on my record. I've probably wasted about $400 in application fees for apartments and im not wasting anymore

Gym membership and get a job. Save money, try to find cheap housing.

Iv heard many times of people just living in their cars outside their gym
Shower and workout at gym
You work full time somewhere so your gone most of the day anyways

Have you thought about getting a van? More comfortable that way.

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find the nicest storage unit you can in the city of your choice and live there. Plenty of dudes run their businesses out them and they're cheap.

just say it was bullshit and offer to pay 3 months up front

rent an art studio and sleep in it on the sly

probably didn't pay rent last year. Figures typical rentoid

Move into a shelter. That's what I did built my 6 fig por man stack. I wS there for 3 years. Bigger cities have more resources. In miami. Now stake my stake and provides for bills and such

Nope, always paid my rent. Landlord told me out of nowhere that he's selling the property and I need to be out by EOM

Heheh this reminds me of when my(m23) rentoid (m31) kept fucking clogging the shower with his long ass balding hair. I told him if he didn't stop I'd sell the house by the end of the month. Low and behold he kept calling me over to fish hair out of his drain. That day I kicked him out and he was like 3 or 400 bucks short on the rent too. Greasy bastard he was.