Where can i invest in vacuum sealed pigs?

where can i invest in vacuum sealed pigs?

Attached: vacuumpig.jpg (768x576, 38.96K)

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Invest in them or purchase them?

invest, i believe this will be the future of food

How much does this bad boy currently go for?


this garloid trippin fr

Is this water fucked up?hh

how do you wake them back up after they get shipped to you? wtf

Now listen to me, if you want, you can puff your weed

But I guarantee this shit'll get you like, 3 million times higher. From just a seed

Man just a leaf will paralyze a horse

Shit coke killed a couple of people, but this killed the dinosaurs

This another kind of force; bigger than life is

You think that you been high before? You haven't tried this

Cause this the kinda shit that calls absinthe a bitch Some people take acid, but acid takes this

This some ass-kickin shit.

You really can't imagine, This'll make charlie sheen look like charlie Chaplin

And I ain't even tryna lie (no) 'you take this shit in January, you be lucky if you find your mind by July

'pink pigs flying by, that pink Floyd kinda high Kinda like a mix of toilet duck, and cyanide

And if you're tryna find it, it ain't that hard

Shit it grows on the tree in the back yard have a nice day. Tu. ra..

Ps, dont consume datura if you value your life people.


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i'd eat it. just think about it, you could order a freshly vacuum sealed pig straight to your door from these farms. they could even sell them through amazon for prime shipping. you and your family could be enjoying a bountiful feast in the comfort of your own home. i really think this will take off.

just wrap your lean hog tokens

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What is the process for vacuum sealing a 300lb hog? Do you you just keep throwing Mexicans at a factory floor, or is there some sort of automated process? I've seen robotic arm shrink wrapping machines that could perfectly wrap any shape object that fits in their sensor range, I imagine this would be something similar, but still, it seems like a lot of weight to be shrink wrapping. How do you move a whole shrink wrapped pig?

If it's shrink-wrapped baby piglets then carry on

the bag says 11 lbs. it’s probably just piglets

Seems kind of expensive. 185 is 16 dollars a pound, and not all of that meat is salvageable. Is this for medical education or a niche fetish site or something?

What’s the catch? Are they supposed to have higher shelf life? I have some readywise around $800 worth of food that will still be edible in 25 years, if this pig doesn’t last at least 2 years I wouldn’t buy this shit

frozen vacuum sealed meat can last up to 3 years, and possibly even longer if stored properly.
it's so you can enjoy a proper cut of meat and not the mystery meat you buy in the store

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Interesting. I would definitely consider it since in 3 years those pigs will be worth 2x minimum

If you haven't had a roasted suckling pig you don't know what you're missing out on I'll tell you what buddy.

I can't imagine a fully grown pig to be vacuum sealed like that user.