Attached: cannonball.webm (480x480, 2.63M)

for me its brutus

jesus christ that looks like it'd hurt

waller wishes he did that instead

is he okay?

He tweeted right after the match so he's probably fine

That looks simple but cool. Good thing is not commom

This one time during our grade 6 field trip, I did a shoot frog splash off a 6ft springboard into the pool and it hurt like heck, but I no sold it to not break cool guy kayfabe.

Imagine taking the elbow to your grill

How bad a bump would this be on either end?

it's like yokozuna in wwf raw

Attached: tumblr_p2ks24KWmN1u1urgoo1_1280.gif (663x471, 2.25M)

Why does the camera shake for the move if the cameraman doesn't get hit?

it causes a seismic shift


Bc u touch yourself at night

Ok, this is based

Wtf is this real?

Production is headed by an invalid beaver who only has a job because his father was a moron and ran into a blazing fire to grab some video tapes.

did the same thing the first day in hs swim class, based brother

Based Brutus

Attached: Screen Shot 2022-04-02 at 6.31.55 PM.png (834x780, 668.33K)

I wish he wasn't the obvious Jannetty, the gorilla is based

Attached: bigbrute.png (850x822, 737.61K)

pretty based but would be fucking shit if someone missed and didn't catch you

Is that safe?

Very very cool brother

Attached: 1636922505811.gif (480x360, 2.9M)

lmao the way the PC tries to gimmick and trains these shitters someone is gonna die in the ring within 2 years.