This is what I wage and invest for, my wife will be like this, my daughters will be like this LETS FUCKING GOOO

This is what I wage and invest for, my wife will be like this, my daughters will be like this LETS FUCKING GOOO

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How long until western civ collapses?


it already has

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My god man, their faces are SO evil you can actually see it. Like its not a science but you immediately sense "shit better avoid them and dont trust them".

Who in their right mind would fap on this? Shit is flying out. If you shove an open bottle up there it also creates a vaccum and sucks out your rectum creating major prolapse risk. There is no reason to do dumb shit like this.

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Oh please she knows what she's doing. This is not her first rodeo.

I don't understand what she is doing. Is she pumping alcohol into her ass and then shitting it back out? Isn't that supposed to burn like mad?

cant be long now

pretty depressed, bros, ngl


Have sex chuddy

From the catalog thumbnail I thought it might be some kickboxing nip but nope it's just a western white woman.

>shit nuggets flying out all over
she's german, isn't she?

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it did in 1945

this is americano civilization now

human intellect is basically just pattern recognition
it's only natural that you "sense" someone's personality on their face
it's just patterns after all


Attached: hedoesitforfree.png (680x903, 988.8K)

>tfw you will never drink champagne delivered this way.

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Do I have the chance to fuck this white girl if I'm a brown shitskin pajeet with $650k net worth?

I hope that kid murders them

>she's german, isn't she?
yes user and hitler hated jews because he was a jew

bottom text

sauce now

for financial reasons

i fucked plenty of white girl in college as a broke poojeet