Worth moving to America?

Is moving to America.a good investment? I see threads where people talk about delivery drivers making more than I do now with a degree? Are wages that much better?

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I don’t know I’ve lived here my whole life. But I will say the 90s were a lot better. If you’re not white fuck off we’re full.

I'm white thankfully(Russian)

Idk man, cost of living and all
How much do you make right now?

If you're hard working know a trade, live in a low cost area, and good with your money you can still make it here. It's not like it as in the 80s and 90s but it's still better than most of Europe. The downside is there's very little safety net if you get sick or unlucky. I'm not sure what Russia is like but honestly you'd probably miss it because Americans are really soulless and cold unless you're a redneck churchy type.

the image is wrong, we all know europoors can't afford that cuck mobil, gas, or even electricity very soon

Also there are niggers, spics, and jeets everywhere unless you're in the boondocks which again means you're going to be toiling 12 hours days breaking your back to have a tv stereotypical american lifestyle.

Also, the American man should be an ugly brown manlet, driving a Honda CR-V, living with 6 other families in a single family home.

I'm a brown mex, married (and ruthlessly fucked) a white blue eyed woman, now I'm divorced, no alimony, no child support, no college debt, making six figs with a comfy wfh, SEETHE

gc holder btw, forgot to mentioned that since i'm retarded and i still managed to enter and fuck you women, u mad bro?

The god of this world blessed you for doing his work.

No kids = no score


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you have to be retarded to have kids in the us, i'm spreading my seed elsewhere (the more bastards i pump into naive wombs the better)

planning to have a legitimate child via surrogacy with an aryan egg and womb donnor, again SEETHE

kek stay mad

Fuck off we’re full

>I'm white thankfully(Russian)
Unless you're a cocktail you're not white

Whiye Europeans can't just 'move to America'. I should know, I've tried.

I'm not seething. I'm literally exhorting you to win. That's essentially being on your side.

Spics are unironically ruining America, and now they're starting to spread to the rural areas. At least the niggers stay in the cities and low-income burbs.



He doesn't understand how to dilute the white race to exterminate them once and for all...

Neither of them should be here.

Am I supposed to care? You aren’t even human to me but 6/10 I replied I guess.