What are you reading until the next bull market? What books do you want to buy for your tsundoku?

What are you reading until the next bull market? What books do you want to buy for your tsundoku?

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im reading keynes

Charlie & The Chocolate Factory

I did not sell the top fellas

me crystal ball

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Based and /div/ pilled

Any interesting observations user?

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that fag is responsible for the fall of western civilization

A secret to investing is reading science fiction, unironically. Currently keeping my eyes open for strong-interaction material as such material will fundamentally change how everything is built. Megastructures become a possibility with strong-interaction material.

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"A History Of Central Banking And The Enslavement Of Mankind"

What sf books are you reading rn

Making friends and influencing people. Trying to help perfect and tailor my sales pitch for my business.

Yeah pretty impressive

Lots of germans. The whole idea is to make it off of crypto so I have all the money I need to read unperturbed.

I just bought three books.
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
And this other book called "The Four Hour Work week" at a discount book store.

Started pic related but gave up after the forewords

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This image but unironically. Inner monologue fags have no idea how dumb they are (although superior to blank minded npcs).

Based. Here's an user that knows how to make real money, take notes newfags.

Its probably a good read. Currently im ordering books for technical analysis. Figure it could be useful to try to understand better.

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The Value of Everything
Money men
The Laundromat
Bleeding Edge

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>He doesn't use both