you can't make this shit up kek

>Just a warning - you literally cannot cash out of DogeChain. The bridge was recently halted and the dogechain devs market sold all doge from the bridge preventing anyone from withdrawing. To anyone who says “Nah bro I’ve cashed out 6 times!” - This literally happened like 45 minutes ago. Check the DOGE explorer. The wallet for the bridge on the orignial DOGE network has been drained.

Wallet in question:

they can't bridge back their doge

Thanks for playing doge army, you won't be missed. Your playdoh Dogecoins are now worthless

Attached: 1660924806719.jpg (591x1280, 36.39K)

Other urls found in this thread:

wtf any tweets about it?

That's a really based scam imo, wish I've done it. Gg to all retards who didn't see it coming by the way.

Lmao wasn’t this developed by matic co-founder? DO NOT REDEEM SERS!

Attached: 684D395F-713F-4B26-ADDD-2E52B17B3757.jpg (922x2048, 275.33K)

>copycat rsnjeet street shitter knock off is a rug pull
Wow! This totally d3served a new thread! Tbanks OP! You totally arent a bag of dicks holding cock sucking penile mongling rabble rousing retard

I don't care. Do not underestimate the power of love

seems like you're the real retard
go chew on a foreskin

Stay mad street shitter
Whoever bought this rug chain deserved to be rugged.

Wow it's a literal poop covered curry hands made this blockchain copying doge because ranjeetniggers don't have the soul to actually be unique or creative or proper so they just copypaste what they see! Amazing how this deserved a thread being made!

Dumb fuckin niggers

They moved all funds to a multisig. Don’t fudderino my dogechainerino

Attached: 5E5F434F-D088-435E-953B-6AED290B91AB.jpg (828x787, 223.86K)

Also your screenshot is from multichain, not the official bridge.

Attached: FFDE9FFF-96CC-4DD2-975F-A790A0E74625.jpg (828x1240, 284.28K)

Can’t believe I share a board with absolute retards who would buy something called dogechain and back it up with twitter screenshots

>7 day manual withdrawal
Who could have predicted this

I think that's relevant here, since this scam was shilled here a couple days ago. It was so blatantly obvious that nobody in their right mind would put their hard earned money into that anyway, but it's nice to get a heads up.

user, you don't.
You share a board with grifters, frens, street shitters, and Jews.
The occasional nigger.

You don’t buy dogechain. You bridge doge to dogechain

>dogecoin devs explain that dogecoin is unaffiliated with dogechain
>street shitter ranjeet STILL thinks its necessary to shit in the street of Any Forums
>he thinks explaining the rugpull chain will make this any different

Go do the needful of hanging yourself you ugly ass stinky curry nigger.
Nobody here wants to interact with this scam you fat fuckin ape

Newfag. Follow the money.

Anyone who puts their money into one of these things deserves to get rugged at this point.

Attached: 9C4BC96A-E3E9-4CEA-9979-FE3E5AA3DEE1.jpg (1312x1594, 1.08M)

Should have bought dog bat instead, but noooo "dog bat is a scam". You fools.