Anyone feel like it’s over?

For you?

I’m turning 35 in a few months

I’ll be in my 40s by the time crypto comes back around and moons

The fuck is the point? My life is wasted, I already feel like pic related

I need like a 20X to make it, and that’s not happening ATH BTC or ETH anytime soon

Fuck my life

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I just turned 40 and I only have six figures. It's over for me ;_;

>by the time crypto comes back

Attached: bobo-laughing-tears-in-eyes.png (851x972, 358.26K)

>she thinks crypto will moon

don't forget we need each other in the end bobo

> By the time crypto comes back
It's a one off, for children

The next halving is in a year and a half. Youll be 37 and a millionaire.

Im 37, have a barely six figure net worth
last year I finally cracked six figures in income
then the amrkets tanked and now my job is more than shaky
Im seriously contemplating going full lebowski at this point. just become a total burnout and stop giving a fuck. Ive been working nonstop basically since I was 13 years old and feel like I just get fucked every step along the way and Im kinda tired of it desu

Same as op but won’t matter. I want kids and by the time they are old enough to have reasonable thought I will be on the way out

>I’ll be in my 40s by the time crypto comes back
You'll be 35 my guy

Thank God I spent 2018 and 2019 fucking whores around Asia. Fuck corona man, I miss my hong Kong nights.

The older you get the less risks you will take, unless you have a high new experience/low agreeable type of personality.
If you're only in the $100k area and over 30 then just hold and bear.
Wage through the storm.
Keep developing yourself and interests independent of work.

which country ? was it actual prostitutes or girls you met somehow ?

I'm going to fuck all of ur asses betas

This has always made no sense to me.

The older I get the more risks I take.

Why would you take less risks when youre closer to death?

I have more and more higher risk behavior the older I get, not saying its working for me, but its just how I am changing.

The older I get the closer to it all being over I feel, so i dont see the point in taking it low risk, why? low risk is for young age when yove still got a load of life ahead of you

Maybe im just autistic and see everything in reverse to what the norm / or right way is

I'll be in my 50s when that happens.
This is my last chance, I fucked up in my youth so I don't give a fuck anymore.

>The older I get the more risks I take.
this; in the same boat as OP
you only get one life.
I will die trying. I have decided my life's work revolves around developing TA and analyzing the chart.

The chart is a direct view in the mind of God. It's not about the money.
There are more important things than your shit miserable existence and you will discover them all soon enough.

you guys want to make money in 3 years, just buy rose.

remember if simulation theory holds; there are no other buyers or sellers on that chart. you are in fact the only one witnessing it, and the only agent that can act on it. The chart does not reflect the collective thoughts and opinions of others; there are no others.

You are viewing the direct unfiltered output of the simulation / God; there's only so many ways you can sugar coat and obscure the a chart; you will not make a chart look like an oak tree.

>I’m turning 35 in a few months
>need 20x to make it
LMAO what the fuck were you din g the past 5 years
I'm 24 and need a 3x to make it in canada, I already made it if i leave this shithole

I am you. I'm 35, KHHV. I make 140K/yr. I only have 100K saved, in cash. Too afraid to invest, because I KNOW I'll off myself if I lose that.

The only value I've ever had to anyone is my utility to them.

I can't live in 6 figure hell anymore. I want the human (female) connections right now bros. I want to de-age-maxxx and surgerymaxx. I spent years homeless which further hurts my chances. Hairline receding slowly, but I keep telling myself I have a chance.

If I could only step over the line between free human being and wagie (400K more to go) at age 35 I'd be able to live with myself and maybe all the pain, all the loneliness, all the animes watched (for nothing!) would be worth it. I'm not there yet though, I'll be there at 40 if I go slow and steady, but by then it'll be too late. Life is a trap. It's a game you can't win, if you came from where I did. You need a little bit of luck, as well.

1st world problems ITT
50% of the country makes less than 50k/year and will NEVER make more than that (roughly with inflation). There are people who live their entire lives on minimum wage (all the retail / grocery / gas station you go to).

There are people that will age out and die before they get to quit walmart and finally "live". Many would die just for a place to sleep that isn't the sidewalk (at 60+ years old)

Attached: homeless.jpg (1020x680, 200.46K)

Youre 24 and have been investing for multi-years already

Im 34 and didnt even think bout investing until a year or so ago

Nobody in my life ever spoke about money or investing or anything, it was never something brought up to me ever in my life by anyone, i only became aware of it during the whole covid era of investing going mainstream, literally the first time i heard about investing was in covid when it was on news cycle 24/7 of all these investments skyrocketing

Maybe the people you were around in life or stuff you found made you aware of these things, so you got that advantage

$500k isn't going to change your life.
You're chasing after things that won't bring you happiness.

I am well aware. I was one of those people in that line. I'm thankful for my I intellect and ability to squeeze an employer's balls to demand a high wage. Virtually everyone I know will never make it. But until I'm free, I'm still a slave. House nig vs field nig. They live life working from hand to mouth. They are real human beings. I honestly feel honored to be a part of that class of people. When money is scarce, human bonds is all you have. The rich will never know this bittersweet experience of human connection in poverty. The rich form their connections and relationships based on how the other can benefit them.

I used Bangkok and later hong Kong as base because I could stay more months with my passport.
Prostitutes are a better investment of your time and money especially if you want to do tourist shit too and in HK there are awesome "paid girlfriend" services.
I don't know how are things post corona tho...

Yes, it will. I only need 30K in passive to be happy. I only want a backpack, and ability to eat, and to rent in whichever city I move to.

i am heading to thailand for 2 months and then to philippines. i just use tinder in those countries because it's easy to get hundreds of matches, but i guess paid is easier if you don't want any other bullshit

Dude, move your body. Go outside and take a hike in the woods. You are alive. Most stuff in the universe is dead. You're sitting around waiting for your life to start, and the majesty and wonder of life is going to slip right through your fingers. You don't need money to live. Go Live your life my dude.

You want too much.
To me, financial freedom is simply having a guaranteed roof over my head (buy house).
After that, instead of waging a corporate job, heck I can collect trash if I want. All I need is to pay bills for electric and gas. Food too, but I can even grow my own at that stage.
All I need is a fucking house of my own. Then I'll happily wage in retail.

32 yo here, I still feel young af and optimistic

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