Who will induct Asuka into the WWE HOF after her mega dimes run in AEW is over?

Who will induct Asuka into the WWE HOF after her mega dimes run in AEW is over?

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Will HOBBS after having a night of hot sweaty BBC SEX with this pasty little hog

Asuka doesn’t deserve to be in the Hall of Fame. The Hall of Shame is more like it. If the hideous bug ever shows up to work again in WWE, I see Grimace inducting the heffer.

Why are you so mean and racist to Asuka? Because you got worked by her joshipedo manifesto?

Konami, after they bury the hatchet.


When are Vince, Bruce, and N Khan going to fire Asuka and Io? It's clear they don't like them and have no plan on using them in the future. Let them go to AEW.

Imagine being this retarded, blind, and deaf.

the only with good enough English to do it

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Vince and co hates asian women. Confirmed by JR and Gail Kim.

don't know, don't care

Gail Kim wasn't even the first Asian they hired, and it's not close

>Doesn't like Asuka
>Gives her twenty championships
>Puts her in PPV main events
>Has her as one of the wrestlers with the most matches and tv time during her run
>Gives her extra paid time off after she is cleared
>Literally never not in a storyline that is headed towards a title run
She's literally Vince's dream performer who will take all the goofy shit and make it work and never complain plus never quit a match even if her teeth are knocked out.

I would induct my dick into her hall of fame, if you understand my meaning

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Her English is not good enough


Charles, who makes it all about himself

Oh yeah like all the asian jobbers in racist gimmicks like taka and the orient express. just look at how the burred Nakamura. He could have been their Japanese Rock.

He would have to be able to actually speak to be a Rock


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