Just got my paycheck of $300, what should I blow it on

Just got my paycheck of $300, what should I blow it on

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didnt read your post but damn that pic makes me feel depressed

Why are Nintendo fans all bois of soi?

don't blow it, you should use it to better yourself and learn a skill so you aren't getting fuckin 300 dollar paychecks

300 dollarinos? just save it man, go buy a soda pop or something if you feel you need to treat yourself.

Slurp BBBY.
ignore this fag. skills don't mean jack shit, there's 100000s of jeetchinks that's beat you to the job, assuming OP isn't a turdworlder himself.

Why does anybody over the age of like 23 still play video games? Do they have brain damage where their prefrontal cortex never developed? By the time I was 18, I had completely lost interest in video games because I thought they were a huge fucking waste of time. The reason that kids play so much video games is because being a kid fucking sucks and you can't do anything. If you're so low IQ and boring that you seriously can't think of anything else to do as a full grown adult besides playing video games, then you are a pathetic waste of soul energy and you contribute nothing to society.

>he wrote fatly, posting on Any Forums

It's the only place where I can solve problems and make a difference.
I keep myself healthy and live simply.
Changing the world is too much for me.

What exactly can you do as an adult that kids cant do? Drive places? Do drugs? Socialize in 21+ venues? Have sex? These contribute to society how?

>It's the only place where I can solve problems and make a difference.
Have you never heard of charity work?

You're actually out living your life when you do those things. How is wasting energy staring at a screen living your life?

Ok when do we meet?

It's 2022, being a loser no longer has any downsides. that's why i spent like 10k on a pc last year and I'm just chilling over it

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kill yourself

Nah, I care about my family and that would make them sad.
Probably the only people that I enjoy being around.

That pic leaves out the part where the boomer handed everything over to Israel, shipped all the jobs overseas, let billions of violent Third Worlders in and shut everything down because of the cold.

The place I used to do charity work at shut down 90% of their activity and is still demanding masks+vax for anyone who wants to volunteer.

>Living your life=doing drugs and clubbing

Based retard. Go destroy more braincells and get syphilis while you "live your life", LOL.

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>Why does anybody over the age of like 23 still play video games?
It's better than staring at a blank wall all day.

Read a book nigger

Donate it to a girl gamer on twitch so she acknowledges you.

Go back nigger.

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>waste your youth on videogames but be sure to go to work for Mr. Shekelstien when the time comes goyim!
(((hands))) typed this post.

>he wrote fartly, pooing on 4chinz

How does it make you feel that I go to Dave and Busters and still do charity work chud?

Probably because this modern world is hell and they have nothing better to do