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move RB to underrated
move DPPtHGSS and BDSM to bad
move XY/USUM/SS to overhated

Move the whole "bad" section to overhated. Nothing in there is notably worse than anything that came prior.

>old bad, new good

>Nothing in there is notably worse than anything that came prior.
Except the one where you can't catch them all

>other people like or dislike something different me
>ITS ____RATED!!

HGSS to good
BDSP to overhated
otherwise you're correct

BDSP is alright, but disappointing. I’d say it’s more overhated than underrated.

SwSh? If I’m being honest, it gets the exact reaction it “deserves”. Pokémon has a good formula and there’s not easily accessible game breaking glitches, so it’s a “good game”. However if it received effort it would’ve been a “great game”, so it’s still disappointing. If anything I think it’s “Overpolarized” and deserves less rent free from sore Dexfaggots and less rent free from GF boot lockers.

I didn't say RB is bad and I didn't say BDSM is good

inconsistent. they both offer QoL, but no substance. i think swooshie should be overhated due to that.

Invert BD/SP with XY
AZ's story is one of the most moving moments in the game, and Emma 's post game is kino
Plus sun / moon are good games

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By the looks of it you have down syndrome

That said, every pokemon game that gets praised by their addicts are overpraised when they may be decent as a little mobile game , but they're a little mass of shit compared to real games, and games of the time. On the contrary, almost every hated game is actually good and more on par with normal games. That just gets confusing with Switch because Switch had legit bad games and a 1 legit good game and the fandom itself doesn't know what to hate on and praise anymore (apart from the usual hgpeepee and generation FIVE5555)

Gen 6/7/8 are overhated.

BW probably neutral.

BDSP I've seen polar opposite opinions on, so I don't know.

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Bullshit. I agree that BDSP to Bad but DPPtHGSS should stay where they were, faggot

>games I grew up with: good/underrated
>games I didn’t grow up with: bad/overrated
Every time

>XY is…le bad
>which is why I utterly and completely fail to prove it and just simply claim it’s bad over and over again so I can fit in with reddit

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No one really cares about your cereal slogan besides redditors.

name a single good thing about dppt that isn’t done drastically better by another game.

Basically accurate, but I'd move ORASS into underhated, not because people don't already hate it, but because no amount of hate directed toward ORASS could ever be sufficient.

Then the very same Kalosperm talks shit about BW which has the best story in the series

Move HGSS and gsc to underhated since they're total garbage.

gen 7 has the best story in the series.

gen 5's story is laughably bad, it just has a single decent character (N) and people conflate that with the entire story being good for some reason.

>let's circlejerk the npc that didnt do shit is a good story

Lmao thanks for this. But logic doesn't work on Pokeautists. They legit make videos to say how gen 2 pixelated sprites that are completely motionless and have bad coloring have more "life" than high poly 3d sprites with 5 attack animations each and a breathing animation, as well as a hit animation, fainting animation and sometimes an encounter animation too, and that's only for the battles, because then there's all the Pokemon amie/camp/whatever animations, walking animations, running animations, and so on, and so on

They deny all of this with "me childhood". The pokeautist doesnt care about quality, the pokeautist hates quality, and an alive thing is "lifeless" to him because too complex for its brain as well as not reminding him of "me childhood, wish go back"

BW gets enough hate, were you living under a rock in 2011?
>BDSP is underrated
Fuck you they're neutral at best
PLA is the true Sinnoh remake

There is no such thing as un underrated pokemon game.

>>let's circlejerk the npc that didnt do shit
but enough about gen 5

N at least is a pokemon trainer, Lillie is nothing

>he battles you a few times with shitmons which contradicts his character so that makes the writing good!

No, I would say BW gets lumped in with BW2's successes and its fans conflate that with making it seem like the entire generation was fantastic. BW flies under the radar even though it was a failure in bringing forward HGSS' improvements to the series