People actually believe this is a Pokemon and not a Digimon? Cmon...

People actually believe this is a Pokemon and not a Digimon? Cmon..... It's clearly not from the same series as Bulbasaur and Charmander.

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Yeah, it's not even from the pokemon world, lorelet.

This thing isn't from the Pokémon world, so it might be a lost Digimon.

Looks like a Pokemon
Has the same powers as a Pokemon
It's a Pokemon

But since it's an Ultra-Beast, it's not from the same world as Pokémon.

That don't look much like a Digimon to me, pal. You sure that ain't one of them Yokai doohickers?

Not nearly enough guns and belts to be a Digimon, and the line work is too clean.

I wonder what she store in that bulbous abdomen string of hers. A vaccine?

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retard, it's an ultra beast, not a pokemon. it looking weird or different is literally the point

an aphrodisiac that slowly melts your insides away while you writhe around in pure bliss

I got a Psyduck from the ultra space, I guess that's not a pokemon either, ultra beasts are pokemon... They are described as pokemon.

>Looks like a Pokemon
Lol, concession accepted

This is Ridley

If it's not a Pokemon why does it have a Pokedex entry?

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Waspmon recolor?

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No no. More importantly, who is this mysterious wrestler???

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That's Lillie obvs

Waspmon X

It's not, it's an Ultra Beast. Its meant to look different from pokemon.

Humans exist in the main world, and aren't pokemon. Pokemon existing in a world does not mean everything in thar world is a pokemon.

Humans do NOT have a pokedex entry.