How do Pokeballs work? What are they made of?

How do Pokeballs work? What are they made of?

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capsule corp tehnology


They've shown numerous times that modern Poke Balls are electronic and made of metal, and have mirrors on the insides. There's even a reference sheet from the first season detailing exactly how they work

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What are the mirrors for though?

I'm personally curious how the see through manga pokeball works
Each canon does things so differently

The energized pokémon bounces around on the mirrors until the ball is opened.

I had a headcanon of pokeballs being originally made to transport war prisoners from city-state to city-state, to better conceal them in traveling groups so they do not get ambushed by enemy combatants to free them. Only that the device the exact opposite thing, which was catching literally anything except human beings, and that turned into a positive thing as it made it very easy to transport pokemon into the battlefield and take them out if they’re injured during skirmishes and wars.

But that might be too gruesome for children, so we got the “natural ability to shrink”.

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But they don’t turn into energy, they shrink

They trigger a pokemons shrinking instinct and attempt to trap them in the balls.

Pokémon shrink, dumbass. There is no energy.

So the Pokemon can look at themselves when they shrink.

This shrinking bullshit has been debunked by the fact there have been several instances where doing so would be advantageous for Pokemon, but they never do it

They don't abuse this ability to escape or hide, they don't use it to dodge attacks, they don't use it for anything BUT going into Poke Balls.

Apricorns and tumblestones. Apricorn contain and protect the pokemon while tumblestone shrinks the pokemon

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TrAshnime isn't canon. Go back to >>>/padt/

de pokeyman shrink wen scurd and jump inside xdddd

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Retconned. Now they're plastic gachapon capsules with no technology whatsoever which ruins them just like shrinking ruins pokemon.

They're just plastic containers.

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>cannot come up with an explanation for why Pokemon never use this ability they supposedly have

I accept your defeat

how do master balls work then

Please cite your citations if you truly believe that pokemon turn into lasers when they enter the pokeball because as far as I remember, they never used that ability either. :)

It's a universal allergic reaction to apricorns not an "ability"

Sorry, but there was an instance where all electronic devices were disabled, and Poke Balls were included. Once you've established something like that, you can't retcon it. Poke Balls are electronic, and nothing can change that now

>pokemon shrinks when going into pokeball
>false because they never used that ability in battle
>pokemon turned into light when going into pokeball
>the only acceptable explanation even though they never used that ability in battle

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how do the items shrink to fit inside the balls as well then?

because it's the pokeball that turns them into light, not an ability of the pokemon itself you snivelling retard

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But they don't

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