What would happen if Pokemon ever made a genuinely bad game? And I don't mean "ahah SHSW is a bad game am I right?"

What would happen if Pokemon ever made a genuinely bad game? And I don't mean "ahah SHSW is a bad game am I right?"

I mean an actual broken undefendable mess of a game akin to something like Sonic 06 or Cyberpunk.

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you would all buy it anyway

It would be remembered as not that bad a few games later.

vp would praise it as the second coming of christ because this is a shithole full of contrarian people

It'd sell millions of copies anyway and the domesticated would be working overtime to downplay how falling through the floor and having your save file hardlocked via memory faults actually makes it more exciting by saying how it's a challenge to see how far you can get before the game completely breaks
pokemon fanbase is a special breed where a very significant amount of them genuinely believe those who create it can do no wrong, ever

>Thank You Game Freak

Arceus has come and gone with thunderous applause

remember that this is the same fanbase where if in a timeline, game freak made
>full priced "episodic" gen 9 where it's $60 for the game up to the first two gyms only
people would instantly buy it en masse and then rave on social media how great their "short but sweet" experience was and how much they can't wait to pay another $60 for the next 2 gyms
meanwhile Any Forums contrarians would say it made [demographic] seethe therefore it's based because that's their entire identity

I can only imagine what Any Forums's reaction to that was like.

And you would still take the bait every time.

of course I'd take the bait at that point I'd give even less of a fuck about any consequences of feeding the trolls than there already is

People would buying future Pokemon games as usual, like Sonic fans still do despite the games being dogshit

It’s called BDSP

>What would happen if Pokemon ever made a genuinely bad game?
>I mean an actual broken undefendable mess of a game akin to something like Sonic 06 or Cyberpunk.
it's called gen 1. it launched the most profitable multimedia franchise in history. pokemon isn't and never has been popular because of the strength of the game design. it survives on the strength of its concept, world, and characters, each of which are strained ever harder the longer they try to stretch it out and the more crap they have to fit in to justify new titles.
that's also why LA (as points out) went over so well despite being a complete mess. the only place it succeeded was in the feeling of running around and catching pokemon. it doesn't matter that it's ugly and bugged, it's the concept itself that draws people in and keeps them coming back. that's why we will likely never see a genuinely good pokemon game again.

You people wouldn't know an actual fucking bad game if it slapped you in the ass.

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dumb zoomer

I think this is probably the closest Pokemon's come. Although mainly just because making the swiping motion over and over tears into your hand after a while.

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if a pokemon game came out today that was as broken as gen 1 you people would flip your shit. i still love the game (although i consider the gen 3 remakes to be objectively better in almost every way), the point is that people don't like it for the functionality or game design because it was neither functional nor well designed.

gen 1 was not quite as broken as its reputation suggests
competitively it was dogshit, sure, but that was never the main draw of the game, and the main gameplay (mostly) worked as intended
as for design, i'm not sure there was anything even close to that level of complexity on gameboy

Only saved by the grace of being a launch game.

>gen 1 was not quite as broken as its reputation suggests
it's still easily the most broken in the whole series. both in terms of bugs and balance. again, my point isn't that people are stupid for liking it, it's that technical competency isn't one of its strengths. you could explain this by way of its ambition and execution being limited by the times, but that's an explanation not an excuse.

>I mean an actual broken undefendable mess of a game akin to something like Sonic 06 or Cyberpunk.
nothing would happen. pokemon is a religion at this point, people will eat it up and scream at anyone who calls it out for being broken shit.