Ask kid what's his favorite Pokemon is

>Ask kid what's his favorite Pokemon is
>It's always Pikachu
>I ask, why not Raichu?
>Because is not cool
>Oh ok, my favorite pokemon is (I put a pokemon from recent gen)
>Kid looks at me confused
>And Gengar
>YEA! Gengar is cool!

Even kids today are fucking genwunners.
I do met a child who actually liked Nidoking the most and even his mother made him a plush one because they could not find any online.
VERY based.

Attached: 1494868500575.jpg (90x125, 8.22K)

They're not gonna start watching the anime from the end, why are you surprised?

my only "genwun" favorite I still have after expanding my palette is squirtle, even now after thick and thin i still love squirtle

Tbf, none of the newer mons have had the utter insanity of pokemania forever thrusting them into the public psyche.

How long ago was this cuz the Pokemon center literally sells Nidoking in the sitting cuties line.

>I do met a child
Why is a creepy grown adult like you talking to random children about pokemon?
Should I call the FBI to keep tabs on you?

Why are you talking to kids

Kids love Pancham

Is everyone on this board just an isolated shut in with no friends or family?
Not OP but Jesus people talk to kids in all sorts of situations
Touch grass

I'll touch grass if you stop touching kids. Deal?

Why are you going up to kids you don't know and initiating conversations about childrens media you consume. Its creepy dude.

Whatever you say projection friend

Who said anything about a random kid?
Still not OP but I talk to my niece's kids about kid shit when I see them and I imagine lots of people who are reasonably connected with reality might have similar experiences.
But I'm being silly, of course there aren't any people like that here

Ever since GO reintroduced normalfags to Gen 1, Pokemon company has been hitting the Gen 1 Kool-aid hard. The toy shelves are all pikachu. The kanto starters, Mewtwo, Gyarados, Gengar, Eevee, and Cubone.

>I do met a child
So you met a new child but you say you knew who they were? You don't say met a child if you already knew them.
You're a groomer.

>tfw some of the pokemon look like they've been made based on gen 1 sprites
Some of the others look like ass for no reason, though.

The funniest is most kids I interacted with watched only Journeys.
GG on the shipping cost to Poland.
I work with kids daily. I am animateur. A guy who plays with kids on parties. And I often have Pokemon themed parties.
Like maybe 10% of these kids have actually played the games. Most kids just collect fake cards (as they are cheaper and easier to get)


>Like maybe 10% of these kids have actually played the games. Most kids just collect fake cards (as they are cheaper and easier to get)
Sounds like 1999 to me

Holy shit, fucking zoomers. My nephew is watching from the start.

Kids aren't zoomers.