Cricket Business

Now that people will be eating ze bugz, how do I start a business forcefeeding normies their diet?

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bugs are bullshit, I ll eat ze ztake and ll be angry if I want to.

Not really secretive, but fucking gross

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"Organic" foods are more harmful to the local environment than those farmed with engineered fertilizers and pesticides.

People might want to eat organic because of what they want to put in their bodies. That's fine and all, do whatever you want. But people who buy organic because they think it's better for the environment are uninformed. Don't buy organic if you care about the environmental impact of pollution.

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compelling arguments but conventional blueberries are not even comparable to organic

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how do i profit from this?


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Lmao. How so nigger? Eutrophication and species die off arent common problems with organic farming

Cricket farms

May I ask whats wrong with eating crickets?
You may call me jerome and all, but I genuinely fail to see the issue.

I started making wine this year, and it turns out that a shellfish shell extract is commonly added to wines to control bad yeast growth and purifying copper compounds out of the wine.

yeah buy whatever you want
i'm in no way telling you how to live your life

i'm just saying that people who buy organic products because they believe it's better for the environment are uninformed or are being misled by marketing doublespeak like "sustainable" on the packaging.

Eatzebug liveinzepod
Good goy

>whats wrong with eating crickets?
If you follow the globohomo agenda that all people are equal, then nothing: there are people who eat them, after all.
However there are real digestive differences between different Homo Sapiens populations, so Europeans will be fucked on this diet.

>Now that people will be eating ze bugz
80% of the population have been "eating bugs" from the dawn of time, schizo. Stop being a picky little bitch and get your macros.

people have been eating bugs for thousands of years you stupid fucking schizo retards, its more sustainable and better for the environment, and they're a great source of protein

that being said, i won't be eating them, sorry globohomo zog kikes

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fucking disgusting.

>people have been eating bugs for thousands of years
Europeans stopped doing that a long ago. Catching bugs in Europe was pointless, fish, meat, berries and mushrooms were much more accessible.

I in no way disparaged the idea of adding shellfish shell extract to wines to control bad yeast growth and copper compounds. It is a good idea.

Not anymore, brainiac.

>Lmao. How so
lower yields means increased land usage, increased fuel usage, and increased pollution from machinery
from a fertilizer standpoint, using manure causes a greater imbalance of nutrients than synthetic fertilizers