It was at this moment Cynthia simps were screwed

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Lol anipoke spoiled the episode before the leakers

Iris was already confirmed to lose, now shut up

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Why is this episode all about Iris?

The same way Joey vs Marik was all about Joey

>Build up Ash vs Cynthia since Diamond and Pearl
>Literally throw all that away so he can fight and defeat Iris AGAIN

kek, I would definitely not put it past them.

So Joey got trailers where he looked good?

An exclusive interview?

Episode title about him?

Episode summary about him?

Official Twitter only talking about him?

We already know Cynthia wins

this just tells us that Iris is going to use her "mysterious" cheating dragon powers .. and still lose

Where is Cynthia's VA interview? A scene of Ash eager to fight Cynthia?

>this just tells us that Iris is going to use her "mysterious" cheating dragon powers .. and still lose

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Iris' back hurting from holding all of fans expectations to make Cynthia man children cry

I kinda wish for the tournament, the grand finals would be against Ash & Iris in an epic rematch of sorts.

Iris is irrelevant

You're putting way too much stock into this.
I don't really care who wins here, but I don't think this proves anything. They can showcase Iris and still make her lose.
In fact, why aren't they saving her dragon power reveal until she fights with Ash? Or the interviews? It seems more likely to me that she doesn't have much time left in the tournament


>So Joey got trailers where he looked good?
>An exclusive interview?
He was the deuteragonist so probably. Interviews with seiyuu are common, especially with popular ones like Aoi Yuki, right before a major focus episode. That doesn't mean they'll win.
>Episode title about him?
The first episode is Semifinal of Darkness - Jonochi vs. Marik. and the last part is Jonochi Dies. There are 11 episodes total featuring Jonochi's name. Unlike Iris he got a four part episode because his battles were never an after thought.
>Episode summary about him?
>Official Twitter only talking about him?
Twitter wasn't a thing back them.

Why are you waifufags like this?

Because she’s been using her powers since BW, it’s not exactly new user

>other champions shown to be champion-strong
>iris first shown as travelling companion to Ash
>goes away
>becomes Champion
>loses to Ash
They need to show WHY she's able to mix it with Ash and the established user. Pushing Cynthia to the limit is the best way to do that, she loses, but she just might have won if the cards fell a little differently earlier in the match, wrestling psychology on how to build your next top guy, get him in the ring with the Champion, have him push the champion to the limit and have him lose on some kind of technicality or outside force and he gets elevated in the eyes of the audience because "hey, if he'd just been able to get his finisher locked in at the 23 minute mark, he'd likely have won, but that old bastard champion was able to bite his fingers and reverse the hold".

They have already thrown out the fight that was built up.

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it's just going to be Iris half-assing it and still winning, isn't it

Noone can ever beat Cynthia except MC (Ash)
Iris is toast

Because Cynthia will get a focused episode when she goes against Ash

It will be a double KO