It’s just saying hi guys

It’s just saying hi guys

Attached: 1DB208DB-F15D-493C-AAC5-7A99115BB391.jpg (1170x1163, 583.68K)

I too say hi with a kiss on the lips

she cute

Alec is a male

zorua no! that's my cock!

And Zorua is female

he's male

Someone should tell them to stop making these dumb quirky gif posts, they serve as a reminder that, yes, these animations are official at some point and they were made by people that gave more of a shit about the franchise than the fuckers in charge of it ever will

Porn creators do care more of the franchise than the ones in charge, why is that so surprising?

A boy from the late Edo period in the northern lands of Ezo's equivalent (now Hokkaido) is named Alec? What the hell?

Attached: the-ezo-shima-kikan-by-hata-awagimaro-completed-in-kansei.jpg (1300x1278, 199.16K)

>I don't want other countries to impose their culture on my lands but I will impose my culture on every other country whether they like it or not
it's just mutt imperialist biggotry

This confirms Human-Pokémon marriage officially legit.

Porn creators won't do the least bit of research required to their work lmao

Yes, of course. Alec is male

The irony of this is that pokemon is all about this.
Every non-japanese region is filled with characters with japanese names, japanese culture is literally everywhere, etc.

The only difference being that's actually canon, and not the localization that most people say doesn't matter except to get children interested in the series.

Please dont fuck undead animals VeePee

Porn creators do a bit too much research.

>The only difference being that's actually canon
Nope his real name is Akio (アキオ) it is again the fault of the localization team that is afraid of alienating children with foreign names

What the fuck weird thing is this. I need context

More like strategy

The human is a male and all the pokemon are females

Thank god I wasn't the only who noticed.

Saw this shit on my YouTube first thing in the morning and had to double take.

Attached: 2q9zpo.jpg (1024x663, 55.45K)