Gets more gamethreads than Impact

>Gets more gamethreads than Impact.

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khan shills don't count sorry

rohbots have awoken from their slumber as mere puppets for a billionaire’s son

Roh has their ppv in an arena while simpact has theirs in a hotel kwab.

Tony basically said profesional wrestling is not like the REAL SPORTS

damn trannies pretended to care about it for a day, just like jamals big show.

AEWtists are so proud that they are NPC dronies

He said in the media scrum how good it feels to win in real sports, as if he knows what that is like

literal cult

seethe impact fan. seeeeethe

aren’t you guys all in business together, you stupid aewtist?

the aew x impact partnership ended at whatever impact show christian lost the impact belt at

>immediately turn around and shit on a former ally

AEWtists are seething at the behest of Tony because D'Amore also had a show booked tonight. Which meant Deonna couldn't come in and drop her ROH title


Those trannies do nothing but seethe and cry.

>Wrestlemania week
>Elite TITANS Actually Enjoying Wrestling
>drones seething, pissing, farting & shidding 24/7

>gayew faggots are pretending to like roh now

AEW screwed Impact out of Omega dropping the title to one of their wrestlers.

now Khan enterprises are going to squeeze Impact (not to mention MLW, NWA, etc) even more by having another weekly tv show that he will use his billionaire connections to place on Warner TV.

So yeah, if anyone is immediately turning around and shitting on a former ally it's Khan.

Cultist follow the leader

>TNA-holes constantly screeching about their self-proclaimed victimhood

Facts don't care about your feelings and you will never be a woman.

>can't refute anything so resorts to name calling


I have better chances of being a woman than SIMPact does of ever being a respected promotion and I have 0% chance or desire to be a woman KWAB