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Vampire Jigglypuff

Puff > Charitard

hey fellas, I took the screenshot that's on the OP and posted it in the other thread, I just wanna add that this picture is also currently being used by the leaker as their twitter avatar. Khu mentioned this as well

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Long have we waited

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i'm really happy for you puffbros!



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>jigglypuff body
>wigglytuff white underside
>pikaclone cheeks
what's going on with this thing

Vampire form would be dope

RFake Jigglypuff

>the only time regional forms were done right was alola due to having a real thematic behind
>Gen 8 it's just random ideas with no correlation
>pla looks like like the same
>gen 9 looks the same

could just be jpeg compression

Primal Jigglypuff?

So this is the gimmick?
Primitive forms with more predatory eyes and fangs?

No, thats justt regional form

Gen 8 was a mixed bag. Zigzagoon definitely takes on British inspiration. Yamask and Meowth also have some historical inspiration. Sirfetch’d fits too, and I’d argue unicorn Rapidash fits as well. Weezing fits as well, with the industrial revolution starting in Britain. Corsola, Mr. Mime, Darmanitan and the others feel like loose ties at best, but I’d argue the same could be said for Sandshrew, Vulpix and Grimer.

All gen 8 regional forms looks british uh?

Dark Fairy….

>predatory jigglypuff
>rather than using their voices for singing, they use it for sonar to hunt prey
based if true


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so zubat?

>>Gen 8 it's just random ideas with no correlation
Not really. Sure, bear trap Stunfisk and Ice gorilla Darmanitan aren't thematically tied to Galar/Great Britain at all, but neither are an Ice Sandslash or arabic Golem

Charizard is a fictional monster, it can't hurt you. Please go outside and touch grass

>Mr. Mime,
I'd argue it's retroactively justified by Mr. Rime needing a launching point, as it's basis on Charlie Chaplin is pretty damn English given that's where he was born (and Silent Film was developed and popularized in Europe to boot)

the alolan regionals fucking sucked lmao
>member kanto? it's another color now. don't you like its new exciting typing? eat up gaijin

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Wigglytuff's one of my favourite Pokemon since gen 1 era
Would be cool if it became relevant finally, giving it some way to step out of Clefable's shadow

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Khu confirms this is Quaxly evo

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