Is that?

>Is that?
>It is!
>It’s hecking Magnemitino from Kanto!!!

Attached: B19B6A13-2120-4DD7-87EA-0CB384F33348.jpg (356x416, 21.41K)

Is that supposed to resemble a spacesuit? I’m kind of lost here

It’s some sort of puffy jacket

This is definitely hinting at the new Gimmick
Future forms?

Pink magnemite?

Why are unova zoomers like this?

Looks like shit

its hard to say, I think its a hazmat suit, notice one of the magnemites is pink and looks kinda like some kinda flask? We need a full shot in HQ to know for sure. Hopefully magnemite-chan is revealed in the trailer

She cute

Because Unovafreinds had the privilege of being part of a Generation that was smart enough to valued the new Gen 5 mons instead of forcing them to be vassals for GenWun mons.

>Unovafreinds had the privilege of being part of a Generation that didn't care about continuity and pointlessly reskinned everything
This is supposed to be a good again?

This one is the first character I found interesting.

>Immediately crying about Unova
Why are Kalosperms like this?


>uses 'continuity' evidently without knowing what it means
>conflates convergent evolution with reskinning
imagine being this retarded

Could be that the regional has a different shiny from the normal one.

hair bun

Is the other Magnemite shiny? Also I don't think her outfit is a hazmat suit, I think it's just a weird puffy jacket because it doesn't look like she has a helmet. She's definitely going to be the Electric gym leader I think as well. Her hair is dichromatic and kind of looks like it's a positive and negative, maybe that's just me though

the front of it looks like it connects to the pants, which is why I think its a hazmat suit, but it could just be the low quality

>Thinks reusing Pokemon with almost identical stat distribution, learnsets, types, abilities, and/or designs is "convergent evolution"
Guess nothing's recycled ever, huh?

It's a retard fall guys suit, she's a gamer

Attached: Fall-Guys-Umo[1].jpg (1200x675, 144.08K)

Someone connected to a riddle by khu and it might be a kid in a suit

Attached: 486E2521-2C6B-4761-8DC9-82339C4B8F7E.jpg (1125x1346, 678.51K)

Hes not talking about the girl, he was talking about a waifumon