I don’t care if the IRS hires 87 million agents. The result is the same, I’m just not playing taxes. Simple as

I don’t care if the IRS hires 87 million agents. The result is the same, I’m just not playing taxes. Simple as.

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I'd like to hear more about how you feel about your tax obligations

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>reports tax gains
>keeps USD as UST
it rugs
>still owes tax on gains
Taxes for DeFi is retarded

The 2020 US election was blatantly stolen
The US federal government is wholly illegitimate
No Taxation Without Representation
Every staffer of the US Federal Government deserves to hang from the neck until dead


Fucking midwit.
The Fed is a corporation.
You not paying taxes is like you not paying a corporation to do business.
What would you do if a customer didn't pay you for leasing space for their business?
You'd do exactly what the IRS would do, take them to court, take their assets or send them to jail.
You can choose not to make money amd squat in America and you will never be touched, but choosing to do business incurs business fees.

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>You'd do exactly what the IRS would do, take them to court, take their assets or send them to jail.
Sure, however they're not legitimate. My response to agents of an illegitimate federal corporation attempting to deprive me of my liberty, would be to shoot them

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You god damn MORON
You ASSUME tax payer money is used efficiently in the first place. The mother fuckers are burning money

Just 25% ALONE gets burned on fucking WELFARE for baby boomers. How the FUCK is that not burning money?? Then they don't even implement universal healthcare despite it being cheaper and saving more lives according to multiple papers.
Instead the mother fuckers are burning money to fund stupid ass retarded programs no one gives a flying fuck about. Kys, bootlicker

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Is Halliburton illegitimate?
Is Boeing illegitimate?
Is Raytheon illegitimate?
The Fed is just like any other corporation.
Again, if you had a business with a government contract and weren't being paid for what you were owed you would take the same steps.

None of that is the IRS or the Fed's problem.
You're misappropriating blame.
I'm not saying you're wrong, but blame falls elsewhere.
At the end of the day you gotta pay your taxes.

>universal healthcare
It would go mostly for niggers tho. if ubi was good jews would not be pushing it

By law, no shit, but it is NOT ethical. It IS theft. That money IS being burned. This government IS a mafia. Taxes to fund retarded programs IS a waste of money. I don't give a fuck if the IRS is not the ones that makes the rules. They still enforce the stupidity.

Macro data shows it would save more lives than the current system while costing less. Simple as. Nothing else is a factor.

>The Fed is just like any other corporation.
Let me know when agents of Halliburton, Boeing, or Raytheon show up to my front door to deprive me of my liberty. I'd shoot them too

Ending the nigger race would also save more lives considering they commit more murders than any other race. "more lives" is not the correct metric since saving a criminal or a alien is negatively contributing to society as a whole.

>At the end of the day you gotta pay your taxes.
And the end of the day this country was founded after a war with their own government for far less taxation than we're subjected to today.

If someone works for the IRS, their blood will count towards watering the tree should they choose to walk that path

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You seem to be seething awfully hard.
Kill yourself

You're not paying attention at all.
Universal health care does the job better for less. I don't care about your hate boner. I'm simply stating a fact about the healthcare industry. You're basically just distracting and changing the subject.

Same thing would happen if you didn't pay your mortgage, rent or property tax.

>Universal health care does the job better for less.
Again, you are aiming for the wrong target. "saving lives" as a general concept is a bad idea not because saving lives is a bad idea, but because the ones who will benefit from this are mostly the invaders.

Nope. You aren't listening at all.
It is more efficient therefore superior. Your logic is retarded because you want a "machine" that does a shittier job. What the fuck?
It's like saying you have the option for a 100% efficient motor or a 50% efficient motor for the same price and you choose the 50%. That's retardation.
You are trying to justify a retarded system as being "secretly good" because "more blacks die!" which is down syndrome logic. Overall it would be a net positive to the poor and middle class. Not "just blacks".

Federal agents do the arresting for those?

I'm not saying the current system is good, I'm saying your proposal is worse.
jews are pushing it non stop for a reason.

it's mot worse, retard. It's cheaper and saves more lives. God damn, what an idiot.

if you dont want to pay your taxes why dont you just fucking leave?

Because I don't have an immigrant mindset i.e. if I were born in a third world country, I'd have stayed there because I hate the idea of moving from place of origin.
Fuck you for justifying a retarded system btw. Why do you allow government to gape your asshole? Not a rhetorical question. Answer it.

If the IRS ever hits me up directly, I will show them my big fat heavy balls.

I'm legit worried now. I've gotten away without paying taxes on crypto since 2017. My only hope is that my preferred exchanges continue to not report my trades to the IRS.