Why were ground and rock separated, and not initially made into a single earth type?

Why were ground and rock separated, and not initially made into a single earth type?

Attached: typechanges.png (3000x1750, 3.36M)

I actually think it's quite unique. Only recall Bionicle doing something similar.

because they have very different properties.

Attached: 70082245_p0.jpg (800x800, 341.64K)

Ok. Do all Rock/Ground and Ground/Rock Tpyes becomes pure Earth or do you change some? (Same with Pure Rock and Pure Ground)

Why not only 4 types?

Attached: types.png (494x313, 7.61K)

The logic is, for the most part, that Ground types live in and around the earth and soil, like in tunnels and burrows and such, while Rock types are physically made of Rock. It's a weird distinction, but it's pretty unique to Pokemon and I like it.

This doesn't work for EVERY Rock and Ground type, but it hits like 99% of them.

because you can throw rocks at a bird but you can't hit one with an earthquake

Where's Fairy go wiseguy?

because they are not remotely close of being the same?

Into the trash

Pokemon and its 18 types are what keeps in interesting and why no clones can compare with there shitty homogenised 8 types or sometimes less.

Nah, six types is peak

Normal, Dark, Fighting
Psychic, Ghost, Fairy
Fire, Dragon, aspects of Rock/Ground*
Grass, Rock/Ground, Steel
Flying, Bug, Electric
Water, Poison, Ice

*Rock/Ground would have magma/volcanic and glass related powers stripped from them

Absolutely awful.

erupting volcanos can kill birds, lava is just molten rock

Because gen 1 is rstarded

that's why rock is super effective against birds


fucking BASED

whats soma mean

it's a drink that ancient hindus made from a plant
also the name of the protagonist of two castlevania games

>A palm

Soma is an obscure original Islamic god figured that was essentially "retconned" to Allah

Soma dick to your nose so can sugondese nuts