Literally the only hard moment in these games, if you were a 5 year old kid that didn't like nidoran...

Literally the only hard moment in these games, if you were a 5 year old kid that didn't like nidoran, and didn't know it learned double kick.

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only reason old games were hard is because the battle systems were so slow that if was too tedious to grind


Yes, it was the best version of Gen 1.

>if you were a 5 year old kid that didn't like nidoran
or don't know tail whip exists

You can beat the gym with a team of tail whip sacrifices

For me, it's grinding a butterfree until it learns confusion.

Just get a monkey or a butterfree with confusion. It was always easy

I never got the issue. You have access to Butterfree at Lv 10, never-mind Mankey and the other starters

Missing the point. This is the hardest fight in the series, specially if you were a non-knowledgeable kid. The series have declined since them, they never tried to challenge you anymore after this.

end youre life

How is that missing thetpoint when you had all these tools? I understood as a 7 year old. The only issue was Misty.

Kids can have some issues with Roark if they don't pick up Budew or water.

>Having problems with misty with an electric in yellow
In Red and blue is even easier, squirtle matches her and if you picked charmander, there is still grass types in the route north of cerulean.

>needing to grind
lol lmao even


As a kid I had to rely on status for Starmie. I assume my Squirtle was underleveled.

>and the other starters

And there is a fighting type below Pewter.

lookin' good

actually the hardest battle in the entire saga is the first rival battle on route 22 in the original red and blue if you picked bulbasaur