Is going back to college at 30 years old worth it?

Is going back to college at 30 years old worth it?

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It’s over when you’re that old seeking to better yourself.

>take out student loan
>read books and party
>spend loan living in cheap area for 4 years
>biden forgives students and/or usd inflates to oblivion and/or you never pay it back
Or start a business or somethin

Yes ofc, do what you think must be done. Never too late to start living :)

depends for what
anything else?

maybe but it'll definitely be hilarious for your classmates

I plan to go for my Masters in my early 40s. Do what you want user.

No, brainfog will crew you over

yeah as long as it's a useful degree and you do everything in your power to secure employment before you graduate (internships, etc.) i did an accounting masters at 27. finished it at 29. now i'm 33 making a little under $100k/year from home as a senior accountant. ignore faggot doomers like and .

Go to trade school.

are your wife and kids okay with that?

This. Make sure you have a highly probably $150k+ starting salary BEFORE you get a degree in STEM.

Undergrad maybe, masters and PhD have lots of young boomers.

Fuck young puccy
It's literally the meaning of life

I want to go back for the sole reason of fucking 18 and 19 year olds.

Don't you get it, all life worth living is within the first decade as an adult. After that you're basically a zombie.

lol poorfag

Depends on what you go for, but it can be. I was in the Navy for six years operating reactors, got out and basically took the first job that let me live where I wanted to in 2010 making 50k a year for a gigantic fortune 100 company as an entry level manufacturing tech/projects guy.
Worked at that company for 11 years doing various jobs, topping out at around 70k a year. In the middle of it, met my wife who convinced me to use my GI bill so over the course of 6 years(took forever working full time and having 3 kids) and got a new job 2 months before graduating for 100k a year at an engineering firm, so it was certainly worth it in my case. I know 100k doesn't seem like much to /biz, but I live in a state where just my income alone puts us at the top 13%, and with hers too we live pretty comfortably. Going back school in your 30s is a pain in the ass though.

undergrad was in math, tried coding, found it incredibly boring and tedious. accounting has more upward trajectory (have friends who are at controller/CFO level) and longevity (very few coders in their 50s or beyond) and is far more recession-proof.

Ive already basically worked a trade in my 20s, my health was seriously impacted. its time to switch to something that wont destroy my health and I can do well into older age. im not trying to be some 50 yr old trade worker with a blown out back and no prospects of even retiring any time soon

thanks user, glad it worked out for you. im not as much worried about the work load of school, as I am really not wanting to be around zoomers and woke retards

Education at any age is worth it, don't let these crab-in-buckets tell you otherwise. I respect even the oldheads at community colleges that are still learning new things. Never stop learning and never stop growing.

I started college at 22 and finished at 27. I felt a little weird once in a while but I fit in with my peers. Its not so bad being in 101 courses at 22, but yeah that would suck if youre 26+ taking english 101 for the first time.

Still never too late. I saw lots of older people and it was hard to be critical of them when they were there to better themselves. Its like watching a morbidly obese person try to lose weight. You may feel they are too far gone but maybe they arent, and at least they recognize the need to better themselves AND they are taking action to do so.

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