

Attached: pro.png (389x335, 109.7K)

How can you be a "pro" at a self imposed challenge? Doesn't pro equate to some form of competition?

Pro just means professional.
As in, you do it as a profession.

If you make money doing it, it’s technically pro

Fake. Pro doesn't mean your making money with it, and that a post modern definition. Pro is an expert at a real artform (photography, videography, design, etc.) it doesn't apply to a 18 year old mowing lawns

If he makes money out of it, he's a "pro".

im not going to watch this but feraligatr being in F tier considering you teach him ice punch and he's literally unkillable says a lot about this "pro" nuzlocker

Quit advertising your channel faggot

Don't sleep on lawn professionals

Attached: greener_lawn.jpg (600x420, 143.61K)

Does he make money off this? And I don't mean patreon or donations.
You can win official Street Fighter tournaments, get sponsored by companies like Red Bull or whoever make those cup noodles, and get paid by Capcom themselves.
Same goes for games like Magic and Pokemon.
Smash is a bit of a grey area, it's not really officially sanctioned, most of it is done from the bottom-up, but people have made careers out it and earned a lot of money.
You know that webm/gif that gets posted a lot fat Asian guy rubbing a little girl's arms while she plays Pokken? He's been playing fighting games for 20 years and basically lives off it. And fighting game tournaments were basically in Smash's position back then
What the fuck does a "pro nuzlocker" do?
Fucking speedrunners are more pro than this

every johto starter in F or he is shit at the game

My local professional burger-flippers and grocery baggers need some help then because they can't ever seem to do it right.

Cinderace? More like, Cinderbased.

Attached: EKEqO0_WsAIyIAn.jpg (1080x1101, 57.12K)

What separates a nuzlocker from a professional nuzlocker?

One remembers what fun is, the other grifts children for their allowance and grooms people on discord.

plain nuzlocke is shit

you have to play
hardcore nuzlocke full randomizer

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God I hate this smug cunt, shilling himself constantly and forcing his terrible opinions on an already braindead fanbase

I can't wait until he inevitably gets outed for sending his needledick to a 7 year old and people can finally stop pretending he has any more value than the dirt we walk on.

This. Only Sooners reach to call shit like streaming a job

He's not professional nuzlocker. His nuzlockes are boring and boil down to him spending retarded amounts of time on calculations.
He's professional content creator. And very poor one - he's not innovating, not creating anything new. He just hit the gold with one idea that is not even his and as old as Nuzlocking itself. Beyond that he's just shitty algorithm chaser, cookie cutter youtuber number 17r8295. Same stolen content, same thumbnails with his ugly german yap, same regurgitated leftoid slogans that he's not believing in. He's a prostitute, a whore.

The definition of professional is:
>engaged in a specified activity as one's main paid occupation rather than as a pastime.
It really isn't a special word people just pretend it is to make themselves sound more important. If someone calls themselves a pro 9 times out of 10 they're a self important loser.

Well said.
I've said this before and I'll say it again, and there's a reason that this fag will be forgotten in a few years and all those ancient Nuzlocke text letsplays and comics will still be reposted and looked back on for years to come.

Btw i currently shit at my workplace during my work hours. Call me professional shitter because I'll get paid for that.