Has anyone else's life grinded to a complete halt?

I dont know what happened.
I had lots of money and was getting ready to embrace a whole new life and then I just.. lost it all.
Moved back in with my parents. Now I dont even leave my room literally. I dont go on social media. I barely go outside. I dont work. I dont do anything. My life has come to a complete halt.
Im just waiting for my portfolio to go back up..

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no because im not a fucking faggot

Same user. Same.

Yes. Need this bullrun to be the one

I've literally fucked my life up lol.

Yes, but I'm starting to recover now.

sounds like you need to grow weed

I know the feel

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Biden's America.

I bought eth in 2020 at avg of $250 or so and religiously held right through the highs and lows just to go insane and put it all into defi casino right as it started crashing down. Still managed to cash out a lot but it’s gone and I need another bullrun without making these mistakes and actually cashing out far more. Stacking up cash now and will dca over the next year hopefully at the bottom, 5-10x and I’m done

>I dont know what happened.
>I had lots of money and was getting ready to embrace a whole new life and then I just.. lost it all.
Pretty sure you do know what happened

same flew too close the sun and got burned
now stuck with too little to cash out and make it but too much for waging to make a meaningful dent in my nw
so guess i am stuck in limbo for 2 years, still better than stuck in the cagie i suppose, set myself some physical goals i want to achieve seems to be a better way to spend the time at least

I feel like I've been on a treadmill for the past 2 years saving up money for housing and then having it invalidated by inflation + the housing market. I don't go out because I want to save the money, but in the end it still just leaves me barely out of reach

did you only hold shitcoins?

Kek this. The crypto crash is going to create a whole generation of paralysed loser men. Bearchads will inherit the earth

This is not normally though.
Normally Id just go get a job and save money. Hang out with people sometimes.
But now I cant bring myself to work whatsoever. I cant bring myself to hang out with people or do anything at all. Its like I shut down my entire life. Im the living dead. What have I become?

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I'm in the same position user.
Every decision I've made in the past 2 years since the fake pandemic started has gone wrong.
So now I'm just here kek.
Legitimately mindbroken.

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I lost my job (pretty comfy union position, I didn't even hate waging) because I refuse to take an experimental "vaccine" that doesn't even work for a viral strain that doesn't even exist anymore and it's filled me with intense resentment towards everyone

Wagmi bro.
Oh yeah, they ruined that meme for us. Nvm..

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>what have I become?
a fucking woman.
find out what you want and actively work towards it dummy

I’m just consooming like a motherfucker at this point. Getting a Tesla m3 at the end of the month. Have six figs in crypto, and work a cushy 36 hour a week government job that pays well for my countries’ standards. Trying to get my wife pregnant, while also waiting for my portfolio to do something. If it’s any consolation; I don’t feel like I’m doing anything worthwhile currently, but at the same time I don’t know what it is I want to do. I do know I want a kid.

Haha, funny.

Today’s equivalent of the nazis’ “it was the jews!”