The real WINNER after the merge

Don't say I didn't warn you

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why would an old screenshot of Sims 3 be the winner

are u retarded or just new

ETC? I think so too

question time is over

Explain why without sounding like a schizo

what does grayscale know that we don't??

Are you talking about the Microsoft merge and the upcoming Sims 5™ ?

miners with millions of dollars in worthless post-merge equipment have every incentive to do what?

Seethe like cucks? No one cares about trustless blockchains and all the centralized scam tokens only recognize money skelly's fork. It's literally over for any PoW preserving fork of ETH.

yes but there is a lot of money that will gladly buy the counternarrative pump
see: bcash, bsv, original DAO fork

Ethereum classic? Seems to me like PoS cheapens Ethereum

It does. It literally means you have to have faith that someone, somewhere is not jewing you when they tell you which chain is the real one and which isn't an evil fork. They're also intentionally not allowing withdrawal of stake (for now) for fears of "nothing-at-stake" tier forks. Honestly it's just retarded, but I'm starting to think the whole ecosystem is full retard and long term bearish. Even on PoS ETH, cucks immediately slop up whatever bullshit the team pushes on them, so it's not like the actual function of actual work matters as an indicator of the "right" fork.

Sims with metaverse integration on ethereum sounds doable. I’d throw a couple gs into that project

For me it's Simcity 4 over any modern city builder copycat wannabe. Will be the same way with real ETH in twenty years.

the real winner after the merge
gas fees will go through the roof and sharding will make pic related unstoppable

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Until something happens that makes it obvious that none of this shit is decentralized.

they will have an incentive to mine it and then ?
if no one use the blockchain it will lead to nothing

Mine BTC I suppose

Too isometric. I prefer cities skylines, although that has issues too.

For those that are interested The Sims 4 is the greatest coomer game ever, even beats Skyrim

hodl gang don't forget to begin scaling out when btc gets into orange on the rainbow chart