

Attached: BD6F14AE-4338-41FC-83AD-2559477AD7DE.jpg (305x305, 21.8K)

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we all saw the other thread, fuckface

I want his milk...

nigger coded Pokemon?

While I have no doubt that this is fake, I am expecting a new form for Tauros since this game is pretty much guaranteed to have ridemon and Taurus is basically the face of that thanks to gen7.

That and because, outside of Ditto and Mew, I'm pretty sure Tauros is the only gen1 single stage pokemon that GF hasn't messed with (be in an evolution, mega, or a new form of some sort).

nah it's probably grass/fire because it doesn't exist

no es fake

You're overthinking it. It's PokeSpain so of course you need regional bullmon

but it was coded in japan

>Set in Spain (known for bullfighting, toro del osborne, recortadores, own bull breeds, origin of cowboys)


Cringe. I'm so fucking tired of regional forms.

Why not just have regular Tauros?

Yeah, like Regional Bellossom in hawai, right? Hahaha

Regional palm tree took the regional plant spot, please understand

Gen 1 only. Please understand

I am forgotten

Attached: season15_ep18_ss04.jpg (578x327, 74.42K)

Why is gen 5 so full of forgettable and redundant Pokemon?

because they tried to make Kanto again which is boring to begin with, only remembered thansk to pokemania and genwunners

No old Pokemon = you have to make new Pokemon to fill in the same archetypes

I like how they are giving regional forms to gen one a lot because the art style fell off the series direction, So instead of retconing the entire 151 they are just updating them with the new style and calling it regional forms.

It's pure Dark. The tails are meant to be reminiscent of spider legs. It evolves into a Dark/Bug ushi-oni.

Attached: ushioni.jpg (1102x415, 106.21K)

The fuck? They fused Hoopa and Tauros to come up with this crap?

enjoy your 86 remaining filler mons

It will be a steel bull. Fake.