My ace and loving partner, Gardevoir

My ace and loving partner, Gardevoir.
Selectively bred for perfect IVs and nature.
Raised from birth all the way to Level 100 by my own two hands.
We share an unbreakable bond that transcends fantasy and reality.

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She's your daughter, you sicko

I handpicked and raised her to be my loving wife and that she will be so.

Ok groomer

Why don't you just try to meet a Gardevoir your own age?
I wonder if there are Gardevoir dating sites in the Pokemon world.

>Raised from birth all the way to Level 100 by my own two hands.
Probably used those hands to stuff candy down her throat. She's probably like 2 hours old.

bye bye!

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Creepy, but hey its fiction, you can be creepy in fiction land.

What the fuck you guys???
I was expecting support and encouragement for my undying love for my Gardevoir wife.
I cannot believe this shit. This isn't what I expected at all.

>My ace and loving partner, Gardevoir.
>Selectively bred for perfect IVs and nature.
>Raised from birth all the way to Level 100 by my own two hands.
>We share an unbreakable bond that transcends fantasy and reality.

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me on the left

>My ace
Sorry she won't have sex with you dude, that's rough.

That shit doesn't work out in real life either, everyone knows older male younger female is how nature intended.

I do say this but I don't look like that!
I am not a coomer. My bond is forged by love, not lust.

you cannot at the same time require perfection from your partner and also have them as a loving partner. If the first garde you found isn't enough then you don't deserve her. Think about how many of her brethren you killed. Mine has a terrible nature and random IVs and yet it's the one that found me and that's all that matters. still trying to get that shiny ralts tho

I haven't killed any! I just boxed 'em.
I got a normal one as my wife and a shiny one as my 2nd wife.
I'm a big Gardevoir connoisseur.
Besides, I think a Gardevoir is at her most beautiful right after she evolves from a a newly bloomed flower!

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ah that's good then.
did you make her a few bodyguards (gallade) so she's never alone? or are you by her side all the time?
Your garde is beautiful by the way. But so is every gardevoir!

I haven't dabbled in Gallade much.
I prefer to keep her by my side!

>Your garde is beautiful by the way. But so is every gardevoir!
Thank you so much! I think both the normal and shiny forms are very beautiful. Not to mention the mega.

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Mature milf Gardevoir are better.

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Gardevoirs are loyal