What the fuck is going on with chainlink?

Why is it dumping so fucking hard?

Attached: fuck chainlink.jpg (489x914, 37.9K)

here's a (you)

It’s still holding above $9 I wouldn’t say it’s dumping very hard.

Make this thread again if it drops to $6.

I like things shaped like a link.

Attached: Thick Colleen.jpg (1284x1533, 325.93K)

It's literally the only coin that's dumping in top 100 right now.

Ummm guys?
Where did all the shills go?

Dude. You're retarded

I buyed

I'm as frustrated as you

Look at that pot bellied demon in the middle.
The imps of Satan are stoking the fires of hell waiting for his degenerate ass to show up

if link goes down 1 penny it’s dumping so fucking hard and will never recover bro

It's literally the only coin that's dumping. It's normal right? fucking retard

the pic in OP shows many coins dumping

It's the top bigget loser

>It’s the top bigget loser
that would be u :3

kek, fudders seem a bit desperate lately
> link will dump to $2!!!
admit you were wrong aboutour holy coin
admit yousold the bottom
admit the fact you are going to get rope this bull season

Back to $8 faggot

Because token not needed.

I bought at $35. Soooo idgaf about 1 dollar losses rn.

You should. It's literally performing the worst right now.

I'm starting to think this is a fucking scam. Notice how all the shills just died instantly and at the same time?

Bought LINK as my first crypto last month on the 22nd, currently +26.58%. No complaints here.