What wrestler is currently living the best life?

What wrestler is currently living the best life?

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I'd say DDP. In great shape for his age, has a loving family he gets to stay home with, a successful business that's made him millions, and a lot of good friends that are still alive. Admittedly, Scott Hall passing means he has one less. But he's probably already somewhat over it by now while Kevin Nash is wine drunk and sobbing as we speak.

Dean until a few months ago

>I'd say DDP
his daughter has been Blacked. hes raising her illegitimate half breed kid

The deathmatch king.
He gets to sleep next to a classic beauty every night.

Attached: 1637178313510.png (757x1055, 1.53M)

He also gets to play with his toys

RVD is in no way living his best life
>responsible with paying money for two gross, disgusting plastic women
>has to keep wrestling to have them around
>mid life crisis
how is this "the best life"

Which ever one has the best combination of having earned the most money and not being a broken concussed CTE ridden shell of a man

Well most people aren't racist incels and are ecstatic to be grandparents. But no I'm sure he's a mentally ill faggot like you that fumes in rage when he sees his own granddaughter because she's one shade darker than he is.

DDP is jewish so that's probably a plus for him

>He also gets to play with his toys
I'm sure Chelsea has her own toys too...

have sex, virgin.

>Well most people aren't racist incels and are ecstatic to be grandparents
This was 💯% written by some white liberal bitch. I'm Latino and I've had my Dad and Grandad tell me to only marry a Latina. I've heard similar stories from Asian and Black acquaintances of mine

Probably just a troll, girls don't watch wrestling nor real fighting in general.

Antifa troons got raped in the summer of 2019.


Attached: ddpblacked65688.jpg (1536x2048, 607.47K)

pretty sure the black guys outta the picture now too KWAB

marty scurll before admitting his deviancy.

Kek This pothead IS cringe as fuck everyone can fuck hookers like he does
