
>still no pitbull pokemon?

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Is Granbull a pitbull or a bulldog?

english bulldog

Do faggots really believe cats are the n!ggers of the animal kingdom?

Why would you want a Pokémon based on one of the worst dog breeds?

And that's a good thing


Isn't that electric dog one?

please dont summon /an/

despite being only 13% of dog breeds, pitbulls commit 56% of all dog attacks on humans

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Of course there is

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Is that not what Granbull is?

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pieces of shit should be wiped out

Because it would eat all the kid trainers, which is a lot in Pokemon land.

Memes aside Pitbulls in the US make up only 8% of the dog population but make up over 70% of (reported) dog attacks

That's because news is sensationalist and Pit Bull fearmongering gets more views than a german shepherd disfiguring a person's face

Truth is all dogs have the capacity to chimp out when raised poorly, what makes shitbulls particularly bad is that on top of their natural capacity for violence they are purpose bred to capitalize on that violence wholesale; a nippy dachshund will hurt you sure, a shitbull will rip you apart because it is designed to. If you own a shitbull you are comfortable with the fact that if your dog acts up it will injure or kill someone. That marks you as a fucking idiot and I hope your bear-headed retard dog bites your hand off.

maybe because it happens with a pitbull way more often

>pitbull get a fierce reputation from their literal bull fighting origins
>people who want their dog to be a dangerous threat to other humans or animals as guard dogs or w/e get lured by this reputation
>a lot of pitbulls get trained for strength and aggression because of those
>some of those inevitably sink their teeth into actual people
>pitbulls' reputation worsen
>rinse and repeat

It's an English bulldog or boxer