This doesn't look good

This doesn't look good

Attached: 11111111.jpg (1415x1172, 271.31K)

It's not supposed to look good. That's how they sucker you into not buying down here and instead fomoing in at much higher prices.

...for bears

Sharp user. OP is a faggot.

Looks great for bobos

Time to short on the LOWEST RSI for all monthly and weekly candles, I am a smatr Bobo

If CPI is higher tomorrow, BTC dumps hard

>down 70-75%
>looks great for shorting

>meme lines
Unironically the time to buy is NOW.

Checked. If you’re not, at the absolute least, DCAing right now, what the fuck are you even doing here

cpi was high last month and it pumped

See you at 20

Attached: 44DEC112-603B-4C39-9216-FD7FEE2C3F56.png (3876x2428, 384.37K)

thats why it will dump tomorrow

As if you have any fucking skin in the game at all you poor piece of shit. I was shorting back in december and january before you annoying little fucking apes come in at the very bottom of the bear market and spam this gay ass shit. We're going back to 50k this year and my only problem with that is that more faggots like you are going to come back and stay posting gay nigger shit like you

Why so angry?

the negative values are a mtjt80nice touch

Attached: kek.png (813x520, 51.65K)

yep, insiders already know that CPI is higher and they are "pricing it in" now while the dumb normies hodl. BTC will tank tonight tomorrow and all weekend. Get out now and buy the dip later

and there is an unfilled gap at $3.5k
so im careful now and wait till it looks fine

This. If your not buying now you might as well just go back to buying bonds.

You mean soon I'll be avle to get people to pay me to take their btc? That is the future I want.