If biz wildest dreams come true and link reaches $1k and you can somehow stake all your linkies in a node that takes no...

If biz wildest dreams come true and link reaches $1k and you can somehow stake all your linkies in a node that takes no fees and the tax rate is only 30%, in this dreamlike scenario your suicide stack would give you...

>less than $3k a month

Hahahaha oh nonononono this is too damn funny linkies really are something else. Wait till they understand they can't stake all their linkies and if they don't have any lpl they'll have to share their apy with the node op oh gosh this is hilarious

Attached: 1660063077310286.png (1662x618, 101.32K)

Why are you like this


A moment of silence for those that bought knitted shovel covers instead of shovels

What do you mean?

>LINK stack 1000

Why are you the way that you are? Honestly, every time I try to do something fun or exciting, you make it not that way.

hahaha imagine not having over 10k

It gives you access to their node revenue without fees (once you've bought the token) that's exactly what stakers want what's your issue I don't understand your analogy.

>Inb4 vague answer that does not point any precise issue with lpl

Maths aren't supposed to be fun, they're tools to help you planning. Plan accordingly

suicide stack is and always was 10k
link will probably top out in low triple digit area
which gives you around a million or two
enough not to suicide because you knew about since 5 years
but not enough to make it like 100k

>This scenario gives me a 80k/month of passive income out of my 10k investment

Attached: 1659984923240752.jpg (929x1175, 60.46K)

Lpl is not required in any way shape or form to stake link, every penny spent on lpl would have been better spent on tokens

Also I hear johnny rims horses?

You should sell while prices are this low and get a small stack of link instead, best advice I can give

this isn't Twitter, punk

you're paying them to take your link tokens. it's the stupidest concept i've ever heard of

>Hahahaha oh nonononono this is too damn funny

No one on here has less than 5k LINK

>Lpl is not required in any way shape or form to stake link

Oh yeah, is that right? Unless youre running your own node that's factually not correct. You clearly have no idea how Chainlink works, you need to run a node to receive staking rewards in the form of fees. But go on prove me wrong, tell me what node offers you a spot right now, no hypothetical future node, which one right now?

It really is very dumb. And it shows how little they understand the project that they actually think access to staking pools will have higher demand than access to link token collateral. I mean, if link is at 1k even at the early stages of network demand, it means the only tokens available for sale on the open market are staking rewards. If the argument was “ lpl will have preferred access to high paying jobs at the early stages of staking when rewards will be disproportionately large in absolute terms of link tokens earned” maybe they’d have a point. But I see no evidence of that either.

>link suicide stack

Top kek, you newfags actually fell for that? 10k was always the suicide stack. $30k/month sounds pretty fucking sweet to me

3k is 4 times what I spend in a month.

Wait this is a fud thread? I looked at the image first and got hard lol

Nobody is listening to your bullshit you dumb nigger, our bags are packed and either way we're headed for the moon

And her comes the midwit take. You obviously haven't thought that through.

In that scenario where link is in so high demand that node ops want your link, the issue is that if there's no user cap on the pool your rewards get diluted. You will have to stake with every crypto twitter f*moid and ar*b teenager that just discovered link gives you apy